Apple product quality is getting worst and worst and for a $4K machine, not really acceptable
I have to resort to doing the search on Outlook on windows and put drag-drop search into a Onedrive folder (get msg file) then but the MSG reader on OSX and I can see results from there
I tend to drag and drop search results into a folder anyway
But shame on MS too, it force me to go to o365 front end and I'm using onprem exchange, will have to consider moving to hybrid to solve this issue
A. 12.2 do not fix the issue
B. when re-indexing it was working for a while (when re-indexing was going on)
C. Can do a search in the spotlight and result is there
I can only conclude that some things since 12.1 broke the access of outlook to the index
Monterey is the worst OS of apple IMHO
Solution by Zapf_Dingbats seems to fix the issue, at least search return somethings
EDIT: it works for a while now, no result