
Post not yet marked as solved
3 Replies
Asset Catalog Creator is able to apply the macOS 11 style to a square image for you automatically. You can just give it your existing iOS icon.
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3 Replies
I've somewhat figured this out. I can get skip to work but I still haven't managed to get play/pause from the keyboard to work. The thing that I was missing is on macOS you need to update the playing state on MPNowPlayingInfoCenter. It can't just infer it from the AVAudioSession like it does on other platforms. .i.e. MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.default().playbackState = .playing Since I started doing that my app shows up in 'Now Playing' and all the controls work fine there. I just can't figure out why play/pause on the keyboard still doesn't work.
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1 Replies
When your audio session is active it steals the playPause press. If when you're done you set your session as inactive you get the playPause back         try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(false, options: [])
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4 Replies
It is mentioned at the bottom of this page. It doesn't give much detail on how it works from a user's perspective though.
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8 Replies
Same exact issue. The proposed resolution doesn't really work for me since I need to keep existing support for a backwards-compatible dark mode.