




Reply to How to sum observed int data?
Hi! Currently I have two observable objects made in two different Swift Files. File 1: import Foundation import SwiftUI class ZonValueVariableVUUR: ObservableObject {     @Published var VUURZonValue = 0 } File 2: import Foundation import SwiftUI class MaanValueVariableVUUR: ObservableObject {     @Published var VUURMaanValue = 0 } . When I choose the option "Ram" in menu 1, the VUURZonValue will turn 18. I've done this with the code below that I added in the action-section of a button that's part of a menu. ZonValueVUURFunc.VUURZonValue = 18 When I choose option "Leeuw" in menu 1, the VUURMaanValue will turn 15. I've done this the same way as above with the code below that I added in the action-section of a button that's part of a menu. MaanValueVUURFunc.VUURMaanValue = 15 . So to summarize, the VUURZonValue & VUURMaanValue are normally 0, but if you choose as user the option "Ram", VUURZonValue will change to 18, and if you choose "Leeuw" at VUURMaanValue the 0 will change in to 15. So what do I do now to count the VUURZonValue and VUURMaanValue together and display this as text that get's updated if there is a change?
Feb ’23
Reply to Picker with attached functions.
Hi! For example, if I select Text("\(profileRam.sterrenbeeldIcon) Ram").tag("Ram") on the wheel I want the following things to change: name.Select1Variable = "Ram ", name.vuurZonValue = 18, name.aardeZonValue = 0, name.luchtZonValue = 0, name.waterZonValue = 0 Currently only the name.Select1Variable changes with the added .tag, but I would like to add the other 4 changes as well. . Another example, if I select Text("\(profileStier.sterrenbeeldIcon) Stier").tag("Stier") on the wheel, I would like the following this to change: name.Select1Variable = "Stier ", name.vuurZonValue = 0, name.aardeZonValue = 18, name.luchtZonValue = 0, name.waterZonValue = 0 Same here, currently only the name.Select1Variable changes with the added .tag, but I would like to add the other 4 changes as well. . I've posted the observed data that are in a different Swift File below in an other reply so that you can see those as well.
Mar ’23
Reply to Picker with attached functions.
The is the code in the observed data file. import Foundation import SwiftUI class SelectNames: ObservableObject { @Published var Select1Variable = " " @Published var Select2Variable = " " @Published var Select3Variable = " " @Published var Select4Variable = " " @Published var Select5Variable = " " @Published var Select6Variable = " " @Published var Select7Variable = " " @Published var Select8Variable = " " @Published var Select9Variable = " " @Published var Select10Variable = " " @Published var Select11Variable = " " @Published var Select12Variable = " " func ResetAll() { Select1Variable = " " Select2Variable = " " Select3Variable = " " Select4Variable = " " Select5Variable = " " Select6Variable = " " Select7Variable = " " Select8Variable = " " Select9Variable = " " Select10Variable = " " Select11Variable = " " Select12Variable = " " } func ResetAll2() { Select1Variable = "Selecteer... " Select2Variable = "Selecteer... " Select3Variable = "Selecteer... " Select4Variable = "Selecteer... " Select5Variable = "Selecteer... " Select6Variable = "Selecteer... " Select7Variable = "Selecteer... " Select8Variable = "Selecteer... " Select9Variable = "Selecteer... " Select10Variable = "Selecteer... " Select11Variable = "Selecteer... " Select12Variable = "Selecteer... " } //VUUR—————————————— @Published var vuurZonValue = 0 @Published var vuurMaanValue = 0 @Published var vuurAscedantValue = 0 @Published var vuurMercuriusValue = 0 @Published var vuurVenusValue = 0 @Published var vuurMarsValue = 0 @Published var vuurJupiterValue = 0 @Published var vuurSaturnusValue = 0 @Published var vuurMCValue = 0 @Published var vuurUranusValue = 0 @Published var vuurNeptunesValue = 0 @Published var vuurPlutoValue = 0 func sumValuesVuur() -> Int { return vuurZonValue + vuurMaanValue + vuurAscedantValue + vuurMercuriusValue + vuurVenusValue + vuurMarsValue + vuurJupiterValue + vuurSaturnusValue + vuurMCValue + vuurUranusValue + vuurNeptunesValue + vuurPlutoValue } func vuurResetAll() { vuurZonValue = 0 vuurMaanValue = 0 vuurAscedantValue = 0 vuurMercuriusValue = 0 vuurVenusValue = 0 vuurMarsValue = 0 vuurJupiterValue = 0 vuurSaturnusValue = 0 vuurMCValue = 0 vuurUranusValue = 0 vuurNeptunesValue = 0 vuurPlutoValue = 0 } //AARDE—————————————— @Published var aardeZonValue = 0 @Published var aardeMaanValue = 0 @Published var aardeAscedantValue = 0 @Published var aardeMercuriusValue = 0 @Published var aardeVenusValue = 0 @Published var aardeMarsValue = 0 @Published var aardeJupiterValue = 0 @Published var aardeSaturnusValue = 0 @Published var aardeMCValue = 0 @Published var aardeUranusValue = 0 @Published var aardeNeptunesValue = 0 @Published var aardePlutoValue = 0 func sumValuesAarde() -> Int { return aardeZonValue + aardeMaanValue + aardeAscedantValue + aardeMercuriusValue + aardeVenusValue + aardeMarsValue + aardeJupiterValue + aardeSaturnusValue + aardeMCValue + aardeUranusValue + aardeNeptunesValue + aardePlutoValue } func aardeResetAll() { aardeZonValue = 0 aardeMaanValue = 0 aardeAscedantValue = 0 aardeMercuriusValue = 0 aardeVenusValue = 0 aardeMarsValue = 0 aardeJupiterValue = 0 aardeSaturnusValue = 0 aardeMCValue = 0 aardeUranusValue = 0 aardeNeptunesValue = 0 aardePlutoValue = 0 } //LUCHT—————————————— @Published var luchtZonValue = 0 @Published var luchtMaanValue = 0 @Published var luchtAscedantValue = 0 @Published var luchtMercuriusValue = 0 @Published var luchtVenusValue = 0 @Published var luchtMarsValue = 0 @Published var luchtJupiterValue = 0 @Published var luchtSaturnusValue = 0 @Published var luchtMCValue = 0 @Published var luchtUranusValue = 0 @Published var luchtNeptunesValue = 0 @Published var luchtPlutoValue = 0 func sumValuesLucht() -> Int { return luchtZonValue + luchtMaanValue + luchtAscedantValue + luchtMercuriusValue + luchtVenusValue + luchtMarsValue + luchtJupiterValue + luchtSaturnusValue + luchtMCValue + luchtUranusValue + luchtNeptunesValue + luchtPlutoValue } func luchtResetAll() { luchtZonValue = 0 luchtMaanValue = 0 luchtAscedantValue = 0 luchtMercuriusValue = 0 luchtVenusValue = 0 luchtMarsValue = 0 luchtJupiterValue = 0 luchtSaturnusValue = 0 luchtMCValue = 0 luchtUranusValue = 0 luchtNeptunesValue = 0 luchtPlutoValue = 0 } //WATER—————————————— @Published var waterZonValue = 0 @Published var waterMaanValue = 0 @Published var waterAscedantValue = 0 @Published var waterMercuriusValue = 0 @Published var waterVenusValue = 0 @Published var waterMarsValue = 0 @Published var waterJupiterValue = 0 @Published var waterSaturnusValue = 0 @Published var waterMCValue = 0 @Published var waterUranusValue = 0 @Published var waterNeptunesValue = 0 @Published var waterPlutoValue = 0 func sumValuesWater() -> Int { return waterZonValue + waterMaanValue + waterAscedantValue + waterMercuriusValue + waterVenusValue + waterMarsValue + waterJupiterValue + waterSaturnusValue + waterMCValue + waterUranusValue + waterNeptunesValue + waterPlutoValue } func waterResetAll() { waterZonValue = 0 waterMaanValue = 0 waterAscedantValue = 0 waterMercuriusValue = 0 waterVenusValue = 0 waterMarsValue = 0 waterJupiterValue = 0 waterSaturnusValue = 0 waterMCValue = 0 waterUranusValue = 0 waterNeptunesValue = 0 waterPlutoValue = 0 } }
Mar ’23
Reply to Picker with attached functions.
Hi! I have implemented your suggestion, but I get an error about 'oldValue'. The error that I get is this: "Cannot find 'oldValue' in scope". This is how I've implemented you suggestion in the code: import SwiftUI struct Picker1Zon: View { //Variable @EnvironmentObject var name: SelectNames //Waarden @EnvironmentObject var vuur: VuurValues @EnvironmentObject var aarde: AardeValues @EnvironmentObject var lucht: LuchtValues @EnvironmentObject var water: WaterValues //PickerSelect @EnvironmentObject var picker: PickerSelectValues //Profiles @ObservedObject var profileRam = RamProfile() @ObservedObject var profileStier = StierProfile() @ObservedObject var profileTweelingen = TweelingenProfile() @ObservedObject var profileKreeft = KreeftProfile() @ObservedObject var profileLeeuw = LeeuwProfile() @ObservedObject var profileMaagd = MaagdProfile() @ObservedObject var profileWeegschaal = WeegschaalProfile() @ObservedObject var profileSchorpioen = SchorpioenProfile() @ObservedObject var profileBoogschutter = BoogschutterProfile() @ObservedObject var profileSteenbok = SteenbokProfile() @ObservedObject var profileWaterman = WatermanProfile() @ObservedObject var profileVissen = VissenProfile() var body: some View { VStack{ Picker(selection: $name.Select1Variable , label: Text("")){ Group { Text("Selecteer...") Text("\(profileRam.sterrenbeeldIcon) Ram") Text("\(profileStier.sterrenbeeldIcon) Stier") Text("\(profileTweelingen.sterrenbeeldIcon) Tweelingen") Text("\(profileKreeft.sterrenbeeldIcon) Kreeft") Text("\(profileLeeuw.sterrenbeeldIcon) Leeuw") Text("\(profileMaagd.sterrenbeeldIcon) Maagd") } Group { Text("\(profileWeegschaal.sterrenbeeldIcon) Weegschaal") Text("\(profileSchorpioen.sterrenbeeldIcon) Schorpioen") Text("\(profileBoogschutter.sterrenbeeldIcon) Boogschutter") Text("\(profileSteenbok.sterrenbeeldIcon) Steenbok") Text("\(profileWaterman.sterrenbeeldIcon) Waterman") Text("\(profileVissen.sterrenbeeldIcon) Vissen") } } .pickerStyle(WheelPickerStyle()) .padding(.horizontal, 90.0) .background(content: { Rectangle() .foregroundColor(.customWhite) .padding(.vertical, -15) .cornerRadius(17) .frame(width: 250, height: 200) }) .onChange(of: name.Select1Variable) {[oldValue] newValue in switch newValue { case "Selecteer...": name.Select1Variable = " " name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = 0 case "\(profileRam.sterrenbeeldIcon) Ram": name.Select1Variable = "Ram" name.vuurZonValue = 18 name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = 0 case "\(profileStier.sterrenbeeldIcon) Stier": name.Select1Variable = "Stier" name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = 18 name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = 0 } } } .animation(.easeInOut(duration: 0.35).delay(0.25), value: picker.picker1) .scaleEffect(picker.picker1 ? 1 : 0) .opacity(picker.picker1 ? 1 : 0.2) .animation(.easeInOut(duration: 0.30), value: picker.picker1) } } In the image below you can see where I get the error message. Is there a solution to this? Do I need to add or remove something?
Mar ’23
Reply to Picker with attached functions.
Thank you so much for all the help! It works! 🤩 The final code I've used: import SwiftUI struct Picker1Zon: View { //Variable @EnvironmentObject var name: SelectNames //PickerSelect @EnvironmentObject var picker: PickerSelectValues //Profiles @ObservedObject var profileRam = RamProfile() @ObservedObject var profileStier = StierProfile() @ObservedObject var profileTweelingen = TweelingenProfile() @ObservedObject var profileKreeft = KreeftProfile() @ObservedObject var profileLeeuw = LeeuwProfile() @ObservedObject var profileMaagd = MaagdProfile() @ObservedObject var profileWeegschaal = WeegschaalProfile() @ObservedObject var profileSchorpioen = SchorpioenProfile() @ObservedObject var profileBoogschutter = BoogschutterProfile() @ObservedObject var profileSteenbok = SteenbokProfile() @ObservedObject var profileWaterman = WatermanProfile() @ObservedObject var profileVissen = VissenProfile() //ValueChanger var value = 18 var body: some View { VStack{ Picker(selection: $name.Select1Variable , label: Text("")){ Group { Text("Selecteer...").tag("Selecteer...") Text("\(profileRam.sterrenbeeldIcon) Ram").tag("Ram") Text("\(profileStier.sterrenbeeldIcon) Stier").tag("Stier") Text("\(profileTweelingen.sterrenbeeldIcon) Tweelingen").tag("Tweelingen") Text("\(profileKreeft.sterrenbeeldIcon) Kreeft").tag("Kreeft") Text("\(profileLeeuw.sterrenbeeldIcon) Leeuw").tag("Leeuw") Text("\(profileMaagd.sterrenbeeldIcon) Maagd").tag("Maagd") } Group { Text("\(profileWeegschaal.sterrenbeeldIcon) Weegschaal").tag("Weegschaal") Text("\(profileSchorpioen.sterrenbeeldIcon) Schorpioen").tag("Schorpioen") Text("\(profileBoogschutter.sterrenbeeldIcon) Boogschutter").tag("Boogschutter") Text("\(profileSteenbok.sterrenbeeldIcon) Steenbok").tag("Steenbok") Text("\(profileWaterman.sterrenbeeldIcon) Waterman").tag("Waterman") Text("\(profileVissen.sterrenbeeldIcon) Vissen").tag("Vissen") } } .onChange(of: name.Select1Variable) {newValue in switch newValue { case "Selecteer...": name.Select1Variable = " " name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = 0 case "Ram": name.Select1Variable = "Ram" name.vuurZonValue = value name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = 0 case "Stier": name.Select1Variable = "Stier" name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = value name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = 0 case "Tweelingen": name.Select1Variable = "Tweelingen" name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = value name.waterZonValue = 0 case "Kreeft": name.Select1Variable = "Kreeft" name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = value case "Leeuw": name.Select1Variable = "Leeuw" name.vuurZonValue = value name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = 0 case "Maagd": name.Select1Variable = "Maagd" name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = value name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = 0 case "Weegschaal": name.Select1Variable = "Weegschaal" name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = value name.waterZonValue = 0 case "Schorpioen": name.Select1Variable = "Schorpioen" name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = value case "Boogschutter": name.Select1Variable = "Boogschutter" name.vuurZonValue = value name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = 0 case "Steenbok": name.Select1Variable = "Steenbok" name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = value name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = 0 case "Waterman": name.Select1Variable = "Waterman" name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = value name.waterZonValue = 0 case "Vissen": name.Select1Variable = "Vissen" name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = value default: break } } .pickerStyle(WheelPickerStyle()) .padding(.horizontal, 90.0) .background(content: { Rectangle() .foregroundColor(.customWhite) .padding(.vertical, -15) .cornerRadius(17) .frame(width: 250, height: 200) }) } .animation(.easeInOut(duration: 0.35).delay(0.25), value: picker.picker1) .scaleEffect(picker.picker1 ? 1 : 0) .opacity(picker.picker1 ? 1 : 0.2) .animation(.easeInOut(duration: 0.30), value: picker.picker1) } } struct Picker1Zon_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { Picker1Zon() .environmentObject(SelectNames()) .environmentObject(PickerSelectValues()) } }
Mar ’23
Reply to Update / End live activity
I also found this in the apple developer documentation, but I'm not sure how to implement this in the code: . func end( using contentState: Activity<Attributes>.ContentState? = nil, dismissalPolicy: ActivityUIDismissalPolicy = .default ) async . Link to the documentation:
Apr ’23