




Reply to Update / End live activity
I also found this in the apple developer documentation, but I'm not sure how to implement this in the code: . func end( using contentState: Activity<Attributes>.ContentState? = nil, dismissalPolicy: ActivityUIDismissalPolicy = .default ) async . Link to the documentation:
Apr ’23
Reply to Picker with attached functions.
Thank you so much for all the help! It works! 🤩 The final code I've used: import SwiftUI struct Picker1Zon: View { //Variable @EnvironmentObject var name: SelectNames //PickerSelect @EnvironmentObject var picker: PickerSelectValues //Profiles @ObservedObject var profileRam = RamProfile() @ObservedObject var profileStier = StierProfile() @ObservedObject var profileTweelingen = TweelingenProfile() @ObservedObject var profileKreeft = KreeftProfile() @ObservedObject var profileLeeuw = LeeuwProfile() @ObservedObject var profileMaagd = MaagdProfile() @ObservedObject var profileWeegschaal = WeegschaalProfile() @ObservedObject var profileSchorpioen = SchorpioenProfile() @ObservedObject var profileBoogschutter = BoogschutterProfile() @ObservedObject var profileSteenbok = SteenbokProfile() @ObservedObject var profileWaterman = WatermanProfile() @ObservedObject var profileVissen = VissenProfile() //ValueChanger var value = 18 var body: some View { VStack{ Picker(selection: $name.Select1Variable , label: Text("")){ Group { Text("Selecteer...").tag("Selecteer...") Text("\(profileRam.sterrenbeeldIcon) Ram").tag("Ram") Text("\(profileStier.sterrenbeeldIcon) Stier").tag("Stier") Text("\(profileTweelingen.sterrenbeeldIcon) Tweelingen").tag("Tweelingen") Text("\(profileKreeft.sterrenbeeldIcon) Kreeft").tag("Kreeft") Text("\(profileLeeuw.sterrenbeeldIcon) Leeuw").tag("Leeuw") Text("\(profileMaagd.sterrenbeeldIcon) Maagd").tag("Maagd") } Group { Text("\(profileWeegschaal.sterrenbeeldIcon) Weegschaal").tag("Weegschaal") Text("\(profileSchorpioen.sterrenbeeldIcon) Schorpioen").tag("Schorpioen") Text("\(profileBoogschutter.sterrenbeeldIcon) Boogschutter").tag("Boogschutter") Text("\(profileSteenbok.sterrenbeeldIcon) Steenbok").tag("Steenbok") Text("\(profileWaterman.sterrenbeeldIcon) Waterman").tag("Waterman") Text("\(profileVissen.sterrenbeeldIcon) Vissen").tag("Vissen") } } .onChange(of: name.Select1Variable) {newValue in switch newValue { case "Selecteer...": name.Select1Variable = " " name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = 0 case "Ram": name.Select1Variable = "Ram" name.vuurZonValue = value name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = 0 case "Stier": name.Select1Variable = "Stier" name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = value name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = 0 case "Tweelingen": name.Select1Variable = "Tweelingen" name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = value name.waterZonValue = 0 case "Kreeft": name.Select1Variable = "Kreeft" name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = value case "Leeuw": name.Select1Variable = "Leeuw" name.vuurZonValue = value name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = 0 case "Maagd": name.Select1Variable = "Maagd" name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = value name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = 0 case "Weegschaal": name.Select1Variable = "Weegschaal" name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = value name.waterZonValue = 0 case "Schorpioen": name.Select1Variable = "Schorpioen" name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = value case "Boogschutter": name.Select1Variable = "Boogschutter" name.vuurZonValue = value name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = 0 case "Steenbok": name.Select1Variable = "Steenbok" name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = value name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = 0 case "Waterman": name.Select1Variable = "Waterman" name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = value name.waterZonValue = 0 case "Vissen": name.Select1Variable = "Vissen" name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = value default: break } } .pickerStyle(WheelPickerStyle()) .padding(.horizontal, 90.0) .background(content: { Rectangle() .foregroundColor(.customWhite) .padding(.vertical, -15) .cornerRadius(17) .frame(width: 250, height: 200) }) } .animation(.easeInOut(duration: 0.35).delay(0.25), value: picker.picker1) .scaleEffect(picker.picker1 ? 1 : 0) .opacity(picker.picker1 ? 1 : 0.2) .animation(.easeInOut(duration: 0.30), value: picker.picker1) } } struct Picker1Zon_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { Picker1Zon() .environmentObject(SelectNames()) .environmentObject(PickerSelectValues()) } }
Mar ’23
Reply to Picker with attached functions.
Hi! I have implemented your suggestion, but I get an error about 'oldValue'. The error that I get is this: "Cannot find 'oldValue' in scope". This is how I've implemented you suggestion in the code: import SwiftUI struct Picker1Zon: View { //Variable @EnvironmentObject var name: SelectNames //Waarden @EnvironmentObject var vuur: VuurValues @EnvironmentObject var aarde: AardeValues @EnvironmentObject var lucht: LuchtValues @EnvironmentObject var water: WaterValues //PickerSelect @EnvironmentObject var picker: PickerSelectValues //Profiles @ObservedObject var profileRam = RamProfile() @ObservedObject var profileStier = StierProfile() @ObservedObject var profileTweelingen = TweelingenProfile() @ObservedObject var profileKreeft = KreeftProfile() @ObservedObject var profileLeeuw = LeeuwProfile() @ObservedObject var profileMaagd = MaagdProfile() @ObservedObject var profileWeegschaal = WeegschaalProfile() @ObservedObject var profileSchorpioen = SchorpioenProfile() @ObservedObject var profileBoogschutter = BoogschutterProfile() @ObservedObject var profileSteenbok = SteenbokProfile() @ObservedObject var profileWaterman = WatermanProfile() @ObservedObject var profileVissen = VissenProfile() var body: some View { VStack{ Picker(selection: $name.Select1Variable , label: Text("")){ Group { Text("Selecteer...") Text("\(profileRam.sterrenbeeldIcon) Ram") Text("\(profileStier.sterrenbeeldIcon) Stier") Text("\(profileTweelingen.sterrenbeeldIcon) Tweelingen") Text("\(profileKreeft.sterrenbeeldIcon) Kreeft") Text("\(profileLeeuw.sterrenbeeldIcon) Leeuw") Text("\(profileMaagd.sterrenbeeldIcon) Maagd") } Group { Text("\(profileWeegschaal.sterrenbeeldIcon) Weegschaal") Text("\(profileSchorpioen.sterrenbeeldIcon) Schorpioen") Text("\(profileBoogschutter.sterrenbeeldIcon) Boogschutter") Text("\(profileSteenbok.sterrenbeeldIcon) Steenbok") Text("\(profileWaterman.sterrenbeeldIcon) Waterman") Text("\(profileVissen.sterrenbeeldIcon) Vissen") } } .pickerStyle(WheelPickerStyle()) .padding(.horizontal, 90.0) .background(content: { Rectangle() .foregroundColor(.customWhite) .padding(.vertical, -15) .cornerRadius(17) .frame(width: 250, height: 200) }) .onChange(of: name.Select1Variable) {[oldValue] newValue in switch newValue { case "Selecteer...": name.Select1Variable = " " name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = 0 case "\(profileRam.sterrenbeeldIcon) Ram": name.Select1Variable = "Ram" name.vuurZonValue = 18 name.aardeZonValue = 0 name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = 0 case "\(profileStier.sterrenbeeldIcon) Stier": name.Select1Variable = "Stier" name.vuurZonValue = 0 name.aardeZonValue = 18 name.luchtZonValue = 0 name.waterZonValue = 0 } } } .animation(.easeInOut(duration: 0.35).delay(0.25), value: picker.picker1) .scaleEffect(picker.picker1 ? 1 : 0) .opacity(picker.picker1 ? 1 : 0.2) .animation(.easeInOut(duration: 0.30), value: picker.picker1) } } In the image below you can see where I get the error message. Is there a solution to this? Do I need to add or remove something?
Mar ’23
Reply to Picker with attached functions.
The is the code in the observed data file. import Foundation import SwiftUI class SelectNames: ObservableObject { @Published var Select1Variable = " " @Published var Select2Variable = " " @Published var Select3Variable = " " @Published var Select4Variable = " " @Published var Select5Variable = " " @Published var Select6Variable = " " @Published var Select7Variable = " " @Published var Select8Variable = " " @Published var Select9Variable = " " @Published var Select10Variable = " " @Published var Select11Variable = " " @Published var Select12Variable = " " func ResetAll() { Select1Variable = " " Select2Variable = " " Select3Variable = " " Select4Variable = " " Select5Variable = " " Select6Variable = " " Select7Variable = " " Select8Variable = " " Select9Variable = " " Select10Variable = " " Select11Variable = " " Select12Variable = " " } func ResetAll2() { Select1Variable = "Selecteer... " Select2Variable = "Selecteer... " Select3Variable = "Selecteer... " Select4Variable = "Selecteer... " Select5Variable = "Selecteer... " Select6Variable = "Selecteer... " Select7Variable = "Selecteer... " Select8Variable = "Selecteer... " Select9Variable = "Selecteer... " Select10Variable = "Selecteer... " Select11Variable = "Selecteer... " Select12Variable = "Selecteer... " } //VUUR—————————————— @Published var vuurZonValue = 0 @Published var vuurMaanValue = 0 @Published var vuurAscedantValue = 0 @Published var vuurMercuriusValue = 0 @Published var vuurVenusValue = 0 @Published var vuurMarsValue = 0 @Published var vuurJupiterValue = 0 @Published var vuurSaturnusValue = 0 @Published var vuurMCValue = 0 @Published var vuurUranusValue = 0 @Published var vuurNeptunesValue = 0 @Published var vuurPlutoValue = 0 func sumValuesVuur() -> Int { return vuurZonValue + vuurMaanValue + vuurAscedantValue + vuurMercuriusValue + vuurVenusValue + vuurMarsValue + vuurJupiterValue + vuurSaturnusValue + vuurMCValue + vuurUranusValue + vuurNeptunesValue + vuurPlutoValue } func vuurResetAll() { vuurZonValue = 0 vuurMaanValue = 0 vuurAscedantValue = 0 vuurMercuriusValue = 0 vuurVenusValue = 0 vuurMarsValue = 0 vuurJupiterValue = 0 vuurSaturnusValue = 0 vuurMCValue = 0 vuurUranusValue = 0 vuurNeptunesValue = 0 vuurPlutoValue = 0 } //AARDE—————————————— @Published var aardeZonValue = 0 @Published var aardeMaanValue = 0 @Published var aardeAscedantValue = 0 @Published var aardeMercuriusValue = 0 @Published var aardeVenusValue = 0 @Published var aardeMarsValue = 0 @Published var aardeJupiterValue = 0 @Published var aardeSaturnusValue = 0 @Published var aardeMCValue = 0 @Published var aardeUranusValue = 0 @Published var aardeNeptunesValue = 0 @Published var aardePlutoValue = 0 func sumValuesAarde() -> Int { return aardeZonValue + aardeMaanValue + aardeAscedantValue + aardeMercuriusValue + aardeVenusValue + aardeMarsValue + aardeJupiterValue + aardeSaturnusValue + aardeMCValue + aardeUranusValue + aardeNeptunesValue + aardePlutoValue } func aardeResetAll() { aardeZonValue = 0 aardeMaanValue = 0 aardeAscedantValue = 0 aardeMercuriusValue = 0 aardeVenusValue = 0 aardeMarsValue = 0 aardeJupiterValue = 0 aardeSaturnusValue = 0 aardeMCValue = 0 aardeUranusValue = 0 aardeNeptunesValue = 0 aardePlutoValue = 0 } //LUCHT—————————————— @Published var luchtZonValue = 0 @Published var luchtMaanValue = 0 @Published var luchtAscedantValue = 0 @Published var luchtMercuriusValue = 0 @Published var luchtVenusValue = 0 @Published var luchtMarsValue = 0 @Published var luchtJupiterValue = 0 @Published var luchtSaturnusValue = 0 @Published var luchtMCValue = 0 @Published var luchtUranusValue = 0 @Published var luchtNeptunesValue = 0 @Published var luchtPlutoValue = 0 func sumValuesLucht() -> Int { return luchtZonValue + luchtMaanValue + luchtAscedantValue + luchtMercuriusValue + luchtVenusValue + luchtMarsValue + luchtJupiterValue + luchtSaturnusValue + luchtMCValue + luchtUranusValue + luchtNeptunesValue + luchtPlutoValue } func luchtResetAll() { luchtZonValue = 0 luchtMaanValue = 0 luchtAscedantValue = 0 luchtMercuriusValue = 0 luchtVenusValue = 0 luchtMarsValue = 0 luchtJupiterValue = 0 luchtSaturnusValue = 0 luchtMCValue = 0 luchtUranusValue = 0 luchtNeptunesValue = 0 luchtPlutoValue = 0 } //WATER—————————————— @Published var waterZonValue = 0 @Published var waterMaanValue = 0 @Published var waterAscedantValue = 0 @Published var waterMercuriusValue = 0 @Published var waterVenusValue = 0 @Published var waterMarsValue = 0 @Published var waterJupiterValue = 0 @Published var waterSaturnusValue = 0 @Published var waterMCValue = 0 @Published var waterUranusValue = 0 @Published var waterNeptunesValue = 0 @Published var waterPlutoValue = 0 func sumValuesWater() -> Int { return waterZonValue + waterMaanValue + waterAscedantValue + waterMercuriusValue + waterVenusValue + waterMarsValue + waterJupiterValue + waterSaturnusValue + waterMCValue + waterUranusValue + waterNeptunesValue + waterPlutoValue } func waterResetAll() { waterZonValue = 0 waterMaanValue = 0 waterAscedantValue = 0 waterMercuriusValue = 0 waterVenusValue = 0 waterMarsValue = 0 waterJupiterValue = 0 waterSaturnusValue = 0 waterMCValue = 0 waterUranusValue = 0 waterNeptunesValue = 0 waterPlutoValue = 0 } }
Mar ’23
Reply to Picker with attached functions.
Hi! For example, if I select Text("\(profileRam.sterrenbeeldIcon) Ram").tag("Ram") on the wheel I want the following things to change: name.Select1Variable = "Ram ", name.vuurZonValue = 18, name.aardeZonValue = 0, name.luchtZonValue = 0, name.waterZonValue = 0 Currently only the name.Select1Variable changes with the added .tag, but I would like to add the other 4 changes as well. . Another example, if I select Text("\(profileStier.sterrenbeeldIcon) Stier").tag("Stier") on the wheel, I would like the following this to change: name.Select1Variable = "Stier ", name.vuurZonValue = 0, name.aardeZonValue = 18, name.luchtZonValue = 0, name.waterZonValue = 0 Same here, currently only the name.Select1Variable changes with the added .tag, but I would like to add the other 4 changes as well. . I've posted the observed data that are in a different Swift File below in an other reply so that you can see those as well.
Mar ’23
Reply to How to sum observed int data?
Hi! Currently I have two observable objects made in two different Swift Files. File 1: import Foundation import SwiftUI class ZonValueVariableVUUR: ObservableObject {     @Published var VUURZonValue = 0 } File 2: import Foundation import SwiftUI class MaanValueVariableVUUR: ObservableObject {     @Published var VUURMaanValue = 0 } . When I choose the option "Ram" in menu 1, the VUURZonValue will turn 18. I've done this with the code below that I added in the action-section of a button that's part of a menu. ZonValueVUURFunc.VUURZonValue = 18 When I choose option "Leeuw" in menu 1, the VUURMaanValue will turn 15. I've done this the same way as above with the code below that I added in the action-section of a button that's part of a menu. MaanValueVUURFunc.VUURMaanValue = 15 . So to summarize, the VUURZonValue & VUURMaanValue are normally 0, but if you choose as user the option "Ram", VUURZonValue will change to 18, and if you choose "Leeuw" at VUURMaanValue the 0 will change in to 15. So what do I do now to count the VUURZonValue and VUURMaanValue together and display this as text that get's updated if there is a change?
Feb ’23