




Reply to Import Local Swift Package in Xcode 13.3
If you're building with a Workspace, in addition to making sure it's a local dependency in your project, you're also going to want to add it to the workspace file as a group: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Workspace version = "1.0"> <FileRef location = "group:MISSING_PACKAGE"> </FileRef> ... </Workspace> This is what allowed it to work in my setup on XCode Cloud where it was failing before.
Dec ’23
Reply to AsyncPublisher of KeyValueObservingPublisher doesn't work
I'm running into this same problem when trying to observe values from the KVO-compliant timeControlStatus property on AVPlayer: init() { self.player = AVPlayer() Task { [weak self] in guard let self else { return } // Observe changes to timeControlStatus using Combine on the AVPlayer for await newValue in player.publisher(for: \.timeControlStatus).values { isPlaying = newValue == .playing // this only gets called for the initial value and never again, the loop does not exit } } }
Dec ’23