
Post not yet marked as solved
7 Replies
Please use Feedback Assistant to create a bug report for this, and post the FB number here. Already posted FB8778410. Thanks!
Post not yet marked as solved
4 Replies
Does it appear blue if you don't use colours from the assets? In other words, Color.init(red:green:blue:opacity:) Yes, it does. Using the following code the gradient will be blue: LinearGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [ Color(red: 0, green: 0.569, blue: 0.945), Color(red: 0, green: 0.329, blue: 0.953)]), startPoint: .top, endPoint: .bottom) So, yeah. Definitely the bug is in Assets.xcassets. In that case, I need to manually switch the code for Dark and Light themes.