
Post not yet marked as solved
12 Replies
It's a straightforward cast:func controller(_ controller: NSFetchedResultsController, didChangeContentWith snapshot: NSDiffableDataSourceSnapshotReference) { let snapshot = snapshot as NSDiffableDataSourceSnapshot<string,nsmanagedobjectid> self.ds.apply(snapshot, animatingDifferences: false) }I'm assuming here that your diffable data source is typed with generic resolutions String, NSManagedObjectID. In your cell population function you go back to the fetched results controller, fetch out the actual object by index path, and populate the cell from its properties.
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12 Replies
Still doesn't solve the problem with sectionIndexTitles. The index now appears down the right side of the table but clicking on it doesn't actually do anything.
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12 Replies
Same problem with sectionIndexTitles. It doesn't implement it and you can't get it to work by subclassing or anything like that. So I can't adopt UITableViewDiffableDataSource.
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5 Replies
If your app supports multiple windows, automatic state restoration based on the storyboard has no clear place to start. But I don't see what stops you from using view controller based state restoration on a per-window basis. The scene session's `persistentIdentifier` identifies the hierarchy, as the WWDC videos explain. Or am I wrong about that?
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11 Replies
The Xcode 11 simulator on Catalina does support Metal, and I am able to display my CIImage in an MTKView, but everything is coming out upside down on the simulator. On the device things still work normally. So this feature isn't as usable as it might be.
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1 Replies
In the end I had to give Safari full disk access. There is a security authorization pane for individual folders like the Desktop, but the Plus button there doesn't work so you can't actually give an application access to just that one folder.
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40 Replies
I think the point is that you are not going upgrade your 2011 MacBook Pro. You are going to replace it.
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4 Replies
I suspect that Multitasking and the Application Lifecycle was split up and spun off partially into video 258.