In my web app (, i allow users to play their various albums by pressing a custom play button, resulting in a call to window.MusicKit.getInstance();
However, When i use my own app, i see that playback consistently freezes midsong, several songs into any given album.
This freeze is accompanied by an event being issued from the apple music api, to wit:
playbackStateDidChange: {oldState:1,state:8}
In this case, 1 means playing and 8 means waiting.
And it remains frozen, no matter how many times I pause, stop or press play again.
Help! I can't ship it like this.
My UI is 100% album covers but I'm being rejected because my screenshots "contain copyrighted material", ie the album covers that appear in the app, and hence the screenshots.
What's the best way around this? Can I created blurred screenshots? Substitute random blocks of color for the album covers? That would solve the copyright issue but I'm worried that would get me rejected because they are not true screenshots.
Does anyone have any ideas???