I want to ask how to display NSWindowController
I followed the NameAndPassWord paradigm successfully, but not what I want.
I followed https://github.com/tburgin/PSU_2015/blob/master/VerifyAuthPlugin/AuthorizationPlugin.m which seems to be what I want, but I don't understand why my NSWindowController is not showing on the screen (I thought it might be Login screen overlaid below), but I know it's working because it does have the expected behavior when I press kAuthorizationResultAllow or kAuthorizationResultDeny.
My purpose is to add another MFA verification after entering the native password on macos! At this time, an NSWindowController is needed to tell the user what is currently happening, and process the results of the mfa verification to determine whether the user can log in. So I want window:login to remain and just need to implement NSWindowController.
I should use an authorization plugin with a custom GUI, right?
Are there any similar examples that you can refer to?
In addition, how to obtain the log information of writing this package?