
Post not yet marked as solved
4 Replies
No solution for me as well other than getting a written approval from each station I am listing in my app. Bummer! This is weird, tbh, I am providing a "portal" for those stations to be listen by the users, I am actually promoting those free stations as builtin, in front seat, it's not like I am hacking some premium feeds and giving the access :( From the ones I have received the written permission so far, they were more than happy about yet a new app promoting their radio channel. I guess we have nothing else to do but to comply and get those confirmations from each radio channel which comes built in the app.
Post not yet marked as solved
3 Replies
Same issue here. I have a bunch of builtin stations and I have to get a written permission from each of them before my app can be approved. All of them are free internet stations, I really don't get this as I am not providing any hosting or download options, I am just providing a listening "portal" in form of an app. Until every station owner will reply back to me with their approval, my app is in testflight only :( I have tried to argue with Apple on the meaning of this article considering I am not offering a premium stream as free to everyone, that all streams are free to use but no chance, I have to get those approvals. Wonder how TuneIn managed to get approvals for their hundreds of listed stations