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One thing I now realize is that it's not practical to have a Canvas inside a ScrollView because it interferes with the drawing gesture. However, I'm still unsure of how to draw on a Canvas upon loading.
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One thing I have noticed is the Canvas code doesn't run until there's a gesture, and I'm not sure why that is because the documentation has an example that displays a drawing upon loading the Canvas. struct Line { var points: [CGPoint] var color: Color } var body: some View { @State var lines: [Line] = [] Canvas { ctx, size in for line in lines { let color = line.colorName == nil ? getColor(colorName: nil, rgb: line.rgb) : getColor(colorName: line.colorName, rgb: nil) var path = Path() print(line.points) // this is how I noticed this code doesn't run until the gesture runs. This print statement doesn't run upon loading the Canvas path.addLines(line.points) ctx.stroke(path, with: .color(color), style: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 5, lineCap: .round, lineJoin: .round)) } } .gesture(DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0, coordinateSpace: .local) .onChanged({ value in draw(position: value.location, translation: value.translation) } }) ) .onAppear { lines = parseLinesString() for line in lines { for point in line.points { draw(position: point, translation: nil) } } } func draw(position: CGPoint, translation: CGSize?) { if translation == .zero || translation == nil { lines.append(Line(points: [position], color: } else { guard let lastIndex = lines.indices.last else { return } lines[lastIndex].points.append(position) unsaved = true } } } As I mentioned previously, I'm not sure how to translate the documentation example to my application. If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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@Claude31 Thank you for your response. Below is revised code, with the ScrollView implemented, so the drawing aspect isn't going to work unless that's removed. I put a comment in .onAppear { } where I'm assuming code needs to be written to plot the points from lines onto the canvas. I looked at the official documentation for canvas' that draws upon loading but I can't seem to figure out how to apply it to what I'm doing. import SwiftUI struct LineData { var points: [CGPoint] var color: Color } struct CanvasExample: View { @State var lines: [LineData] = [] @State var selectedColor: Color = var body: some View { ScrollView (showsIndicators: false) { VStack { Canvas { ctx, size in for line in lines { var path = Path() path.addLines(line.points) ctx.stroke(path, with: .color(line.color), style: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 5, lineCap: .round, lineJoin: .round)) } }.gesture(DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0, coordinateSpace: .local) .onChanged({ value in let position = value.location if value.translation == .zero { lines.append(LineData(points: [position], color: selectedColor)) } else { guard let lastIndex = lines.indices.last else { return } lines[lastIndex].points.append(position) } }) ) .onAppear { // code that takes data passed to variable lines and draws on canvas } } } } } #Preview { CanvasExample() } Thank you.
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I have two follow up questions. Any help would be greatly appreciated. How can I implement a scroll feature with the Canvas so that the Canvas itself would be larger than the screen? How can I draw on the canvas upon loading the canvas? For example, if I pass data stored as a Line variable to the view that the Canvas is on, how can I draw onto the canvas upon loading based off of that data? Thank you.
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@sha921 @thibautrichez Thank you for your responses. I get the following errors with the code below: Button { login() } label: { ZStack { RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 5) .fill( .frame(width: UIScreen.main.bounds.width - 50, height: 50) Text("Sign in") .foregroundColor(.white) } } func login() { print("test") } Incorrect argument label in call (have '_: label:', expected 'value:selected:') Trailing closure passed to parameter of type 'String' that does not accept a closure Thank you again for the help so far.