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int64 fastcall _s10Foundation9IndexPathV5UIKitE7sectionSivgTm(__int64 a1) { 	__int64 v1; // x0 	v1 = _s10Foundation9IndexPathV5countSivg(); // Foundation.IndexPath.count.getter 	if ( v1 == 2 ) 		return _s10Foundation9IndexPathVyS2icig(); 	__break(1u); 	return _s10Foundation9IndexPathV5UIKitE3rowSivpACTK(v1); } struct IndexPath {   /// The number of elements in the collection.   ///   /// To check whether a collection is empty, use its `isEmpty` property   /// instead of comparing `count` to zero. Unless the collection guarantees   /// random-access performance, calculating `count` can be an O(*n*)   /// operation.   ///   /// - Complexity: O(1) if the collection conforms to   ///  `RandomAccessCollection`; otherwise, O(*n*), where *n* is the length   ///  of the collection.   public var count: Int { get } } Therefore guard IndexPath.isEmpty == false else { return nil } Does this solve the problem?