
Post marked as solved
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Alright, here's an update. It does work, after all. Just not when launched from Xcode. When you launch it manually from Finder, though, the items in the Dock's menu will show up and work. My thanks to Tom Swift over on Mastodon for letting me in on this secret.
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This is what I mean, just in case I wasn't clear:
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I've submitted it to TestFlight and App Review, and as expected, it's taking a very long time in "In Review" (and very likely leading to a rejection). I hope this'll get fixed before 14.4 is released.
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hm, it works when I add to the XPC's App Groups, but I very much doubt it'll make it through App Review.
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The DTS technician told me this has always been the case. Which it hasn't. And filing a bug report just ends up in a black box where no one ever knows if they even received it. Back to the stone age, where polling is king, and silent push notifications for content updates haven't been invented yet to prevent unnecessary loading and energy consumption.
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My situation in Transloader is like this: I save CKRecords in the private database (not zoned), with CKQuerySubscriptions for silent notifications. They work perfectly fine on all iOS devices, but the Mac either doesn't receive them, or very late (> 10 mins after the fact). Again, it's the same sync code running on Mac and iOS, but the Mac just doesn't get the notifications most of the time. I had to resort to polling the cloud as a temporary measure - that can't be what Apple intends here, since one of the reasons push notifications exist is to avoid polling. I did open a DTS but have not heard back yet. Will update if/when I do. – Matt
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For video recordings (screencapture -v -R 0,0,400,400 ~/Desktop/, the pixelDensity metadata tag appears to be correctly written to the file, though on the other hand, -r (see explanation above) doesn't seem to have an effect here, either (the pixelDensity metadata is still written to the movie file nonetheless).
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well, I found out what's wrong. It was my doing after all. CPU usage was way too high for some reason or another, and of course watchOS would terminate my app because of that. Deservedly so. So if you're from the future and reading this, this was the reason why WKExtendedRuntimeSession "didn't work" in my case.