
Post marked as solved
2 Replies
Thank you, eskimo. As always, you've brought clarity into this situation. I just want to turn a folder of files into a single "binary data" file, so that I can upload it to iCloud and create a shareable link for it, and have it be openable on all sorts of operating systems, so I'll give [2] a shot, perhaps it's enough. I understand now that using the Apple Archive framework to create an archive of a folder (compressed or not) will only produce "Apple (Encrypted) Archive" files, openable only on Apple platforms. If I need something else, I'd have to go a level deeper and use a (zip) compression based on the Compression framework. I see now that the documentation for AppleArchive.Algorithm.zlib is more or less just a reflection of the Compression framework's equivalent, "COMPRESSION_ZLIB", and does not actually mean that using it will render the file created by the Apple Archive framework openable on other operating systems. That may be true for the Compression framework, but not the Apple Archive framework. There is a great Swift zip library out there (ZIPFoundation), actually based on the Compression framework, in case anyone needs it: (I might default to it as well for this, but I like to use as little external libraries as possible in my code, so I'll try eskimo's [2] first). Thank you for clarifying, Matthias
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after a lengthy conversation with an Apple Engineer, this is desired behavior on macOS Monterey and newer, so that .accessory and .prohibited apps are more or less killed outright when restarting, logging out of or shutting down the Mac, in order to reduce shutdown times. Too bad, imho.
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also interested in this.
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Update: It's a macOS Monterey issue, not an Apple silicon / Intel issue. Also, I found out it has to do with having set NSApp activationPolicy to .accessory or .prohibited - if those are set, the app is terminated prematurely on shutdown / restart (-applicationWillTerminate: is never called). If it's .regular, it works like it should.
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any update on this? It works the first time for me, the second time I enter PiP with an AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer, it fails. (iOS 15, b8)
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7 Replies
any update on this?
Post marked as solved
25 Replies
can I not remove the "mark as solved" badge? Ugh.