Hello Rincewind,
Ive attached a sample project for feedback Feedback 9207440, it seems the navigation bar color clears also when popping back without changing any navigation bar appearance, its like it temporarily is cleared, then pops back in after animation is completed.
Make sure to also submit a feedback! Provide as many details as you can, screenshots , videos and even a sample app if you can duplicate it quickly in a new app.
haha me too!
the transition between viewcontrollers is bugged, theres a few forum topics about it. so hopefully that will be fixed next beta
this got it to build for me !, however now im having an issue where it states when trying to run the iOS app on the iOS16 simulator:
Please try again later.
Found WatchKit 2.0 app at /Users/xxxxxxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/E18868EE-130C-4159-AAF2-95319072DD5E/data/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installd.staging/temp.JH6Xuf/extracted/Payload/TestingApp.app/Watch/TesterExt.app but it does not have a WKWatchKitApp or WKApplication key set to true in its Info.plist
i noticed if i create a new watch app in xcode 14, it will create the app but not add it to the build phases as a dependency and embed watch content. After the migrate those 2 are still there can they be removed now in xcode 14? I noticed if i remove both the ios app will run on the simulator. Just curious if those need to be removed
sorry meant watchkit :) , had uikit on the mind!
fixed !
sure thing! FB11512642 , i attached a simple test app too. Thank you!
thanks for looking into this ! im seeing this too. While your at it :) , shouldchangecharactersinrange on the simulator since xcode 14.3 has been calling twice (happens on xcode 15 b1 also), first with the correct character and immediately after with an empty space. On a device it works as intended but on a simulator makes it near impossible to test. Thanks!
i have nothing in my Excluded Archs field in build settings :( so i dont think thats it.
unfortunatly that didnt work for me (im on an intel iMac), but thank you for the recommendation!
its FB13826208, i put breakpoints in all my traitcollectiondid change and when i present the uialertviewcontroller it doesn't hit any of them , if that matters. The one viewcontroller im looking at doesn't have a traitcollectiondidchange implementation.
I do have a lab scheduled for Thursday might be easier to walk through it.
15144843 , thanks!