




Filtering background process "windows" during capture
I am trying to take a screenshot of each running window on the screen independently (even if not in the foreground). I am using SCScreenshotManager's captureImageWithFilter and SCContentFilter's initWithDesktopIndependentWindow. When I do this for every SCWindow in SCShareableContent's windows, I do get all the actual windows, but also get many mostly blank windows or windows that no ordinary user would consider to be an actual window. These include dozens of windows with no title, some with "Focus Proxy" title, some for menu bar icons, the wallpaper, the desktop icons, etc. I've implemented a naive solution that filters all windows that have no title, owningApplications with no title or bundle ID in a hardcoded blocklist (e.g. "", "") and that helps, but is far from robust and is naturally fragile. Is there a recommended way to distinguish actual application windows or an overall better approach here? Thanks!
May ’24
Screenshot with ScreenCaptureKit much larger than with Command-Shift-3
I am capturing a screenshot with SCScreenshotManager's captureImageWithFilter. The resulting PNG has the same resolution as the PNG taken from Command-Shift-3 (4112x2658) but is 10x larger (14.4MB vs 1.35MB). My SCStreamConfiguration uses the SCDisplay's width and height and sets the color space to kCGColorSpaceSRGB. I currently save to file by initializing a NSBitmapImageRep using initWithCGImage, then representing as PNG with representationUsingType NSBitmapImageFileTypePNG, then writeToFile:atomically. Is there some configuration or compression I can use to bring down the PNG size to be more closely in-line with a Command-Shift-3 screenshot. Thanks!
May ’24