




Reply to SwiftUI Toolbar… bug?
After wasting hours with this weird behavior, I've accepted that this is a perfect speciment of the "you're holding it wrong"-situation. Let me put it this way (thinking about this a few times solved my problem): Whatever you want to render above/below the List (which is why you need the scrollview) can also be put into a separate Segment of the list. It won't look as bad as you might initially think!
Aug ’23
Reply to Trigger permission dialog for file access from kind of user supplied path.
Yes, the same happens in the home folder as well. After reading each file path from the database, I am trying to access each file like this: if let percentDecoded = "\(dbPath)\(relativeFilePathFromDb)".removingPercentEncoding, let url = URL(string: percentDecoded), let normalizedUrl = URL(string: url.path, relativeTo: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/"))?.standardizedFileURL { print("\(normalizedUrl)") // this outputs the expected path let success = normalizedUrl.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() if success { // this is always false // ... } else { print("Unable to access file!") } normalizedUrl.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() } Is this maybe the wrong way to construct the path url?
May ’24