




Accessibility Voiceover is not treating navigation bar left button as first focused element
Accessibility Voiceover is not treating navigation bar left button as first focused element. If we navigate from A->B then the focus is going to first element inside the B view not to the left button item.(back button) If we post accessibility notification, in viewWillAppear of B, focus is not shifting. If we post viewDidAppear then first focus is going to element inside B's view then shifting back to back button. There is a inconsistency behaviour. Can you please help here. Thanks
Oct ’23
Picture-In-Picture not starting with Custom Player
Team, I am trying to start PictureInPicture for my video from custom player as mentioned in the following link, but I am getting an error Steps: Created a player using AVPlayer. Initiated AVPictureInPictureController with AVPlayerLayer Added observer on PIP button enable status When PIP button is tapped executed pipController.startPictureInPicture() statement. PIP is not getting started & getting following error Project created in Xcode11 & currently using Xcode13.2 Error Domain=AVKitErrorDomain Code=-1001 "Failed to start picture in picture." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to start picture in picture., NSLocalizedFailureReason=The UIScene for the content source has an activation state other than UISceneActivationStateForegroundActive, which is not allowed.} I didn't get any solutions online, plz help me on this issue. FYI: PIP button/mode is working if I use AVPlayerViewController(with default playerItem buttons) instead of AVPlayer & AVPictureInPictureController with custom controls Thanks in advance. Adopting Picture in Picture in a Custom Player
Dec ’21