
Post marked as solved
6 Replies
I found my answer - yes they are supported. Two things to check: Make sure you're using Swift Tools 5.9 + I had to delete my existing Resources/ folder containing my *.lproj files.
Post marked as solved
3 Replies
@kcathey This would be great to have. Just as Apple has documentation for their own LibraryItems, the SwiftUI views in my framework can be quite complex and providing similar doc for users of my views would be great. In fact - I just expected this would be supported out of the box by adding DocC style doc to my library items. Having no way to add details and leaving users with this screen is not a great developer experience:
Post not yet marked as solved
14 Replies
Hi eskimo,Are client certificate authentication challenges in a background session still not supported as of iOS 13.3.1?My background session delegate's urlSession(_ session: URLSession, didReceive challenge: URLAuthenticationChallenge....) method and associated completion handler are being called but I'm seeing the following in the logs.CredStore - copyIdentPrefs - Error copying Identity cred. Error=-25300, query={ class = idnt; labl = "[REDACTED]"; "r_Ref" = 1; }If I attempt the same upload on a non-background session with the same callbacks triggered, everything runs fine.Thank you.
Post not yet marked as solved
29 Replies
Thank you for looking into this. This "workaround" still seems necessary as it helped me resolve this issue today in 2020 on iOS 13.3.1.