




MKMapView.convert - to get a right sized rect for a specific location?
swift // Object length/width in Meters for specific Location on Earth let objectLatMeter: CLLocationDistance = CLLocationDistance.init(exactly: 18.3)! let objectLngMeter: CLLocationDistance = CLLocationDistance.init(exactly: 9)! let mapViewCenterCoordinate = self.mapView.centerCoordinate let objectmkrect = MKCoordinateRegion.init(center: mapViewCenterCoordinate, latitudinalMeters: objectLatMeter, longitudinalMeters: objectLngMeter) // ??? let rightSizedRect = self.mapView.convert(objectmkrect, toRectTo: self.imageView) self.imageView.frame = rightSizedRect What does self.mapView.convert(objectmkrect, toRectTo: self.imageView) under the hood do? self.imageView is a UIImageView which lays on top of the mapView. What I try to achieve here: I need to resize the UIImageView (which is sitting on top of the map) right at all time according to the zoom. AND IT IS WORKING SO FAR BUT only if i do not rotate :woozy_face: the translucent organge box is the UIImageView. The blue one is a MKOverly (with a custom Image Renderer) please have a look at the video http s:// How can i get the orange UIImageView stay straight but with the right dimension? any ideas?
Apr ’21
Rotate a Image on Maps
Hi, my Name is Markus and I am working on my first app... What I like to do The user should be able to place an image freely on the map. The Image must scale in real world dimension. The user also should be able to rotate the image via a slider. What I did so far I guess there are smarter ways to do so but it works so fare. The only missing feature is the rotation functionality. I tried to rotate the UIImage but this results in a cropped image since the MKMapRect (which I need to scale) does not rotate class MapViewController: UIViewController { 		@IBOutlet weak var mapView: MKMapView! 		override func viewDidLoad() { 				super.viewDidLoad()				 				mapView.delegate = self // prepare the services/map ... // user can change the orientation via a slider ( 0-2*.pi -> 0-360° ) 				draw(orientation: 0) 		} 		func draw(orientation: Double) { 				let region = mapView.region 				let center = 				let pointsPerMeter = MKMapPointsPerMeterAtLatitude(center.latitude) 				// Real-World-Object with 24 Meters length and 4 Meters width 				let objectLength = pointsPerMeter*24 				let objectWidth = pointsPerMeter*4 				let mapSize = MKMapSize.init(width: objectLength, height: objectWidth) 				let mapPoint = MKMapPoint.init(center) 				let objectRect = MKMapRect.init(origin: mapPoint, size: mapSize) 				// clear the map 				mapView.removeOverlays(mapView.overlays) 				// create image overlay from Real-World-Object 				let objectOverlay = ImageOverlay(image: UIImage(named: "nameOfYourImageAsset")!, rect: objectRect.offsetBy(dx: -objectLength/2 , dy: -objectWidth/2)) 				// add overlay to map 				mapView.addOverlay(objectOverlay) 		} } // found here class ImageOverlay : NSObject, MKOverlay { 		let image:UIImage 		let boundingMapRect: MKMapRect 		let coordinate:CLLocationCoordinate2D 		init(image: UIImage, rect: MKMapRect) { 				self.image = image 				self.boundingMapRect = rect 				self.coordinate = rect.origin.coordinate 		} } class ImageOverlayRenderer : MKOverlayRenderer { 		override func draw(_ mapRect: MKMapRect, zoomScale: MKZoomScale, in context: CGContext) { 				guard let overlay = self.overlay as? ImageOverlay else { 						return 				} 				let rect = self.rect(for: overlay.boundingMapRect) 				UIGraphicsPushContext(context) 				overlay.image.draw(in: rect) 				UIGraphicsPopContext() 		} } If I place a UIImage (via UIImageView) right to the map, there is no relation to the map so I have no Idea how to scale. I hope to get at least some fresh ideas. Kind Regards, Markus
Sep ’20