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I need to obtain a list of categories to assign to a business. I'm working on an app for employers. The app allows the user to create new customers and associate categories with the companies he inserts as customers. I noticed that when using iOS Maps and creating a new point of interest, the Maps app prompts us to enter a category, displaying a mandatory list of available categories. I specifically need this list. Is anyone aware of how to obtain this list? Using MapKit, is it possible to access the list you see? I'm sharing a screenshot I took from the device using the Maps app. After an online search I managed to find the list of categories that Apple makes available to the user when creating a new point of interest in the maps app. The list can be found here and can be downloaded in .csv format Now I was wondering... Can I use this .csv file and its contents without problems? The categories in my app are used by the user only for identification purposes when he creates his personal customer card. Category data remains saved within the app database Thanks for all! This is a screenshot of category on Maps iOS App
by kain84.
Last updated