




Wrapping views with a VStack breaks animation, but using an extension to do the same thing fixes it.
I was having issues with views transitioning between being visible and not visible inside of List. They would appear, but the animation would be jerky. I switched to using a Section, and the animation looked much better. However, the spacing between views and padding wasn't what I wanted. So I wrapped some of the views inside the Section with a VStack. But first, this is how my view SectionView looks: struct SectionView<Content: View>: View { let title: String @ViewBuilder var content: () -> Content var body: some View { Section { Text(title) .font(.title3.bold()) content() } .listRowInsets(EdgeInsets(top: 10, leading: 20, bottom: 10, trailing: 20)) .listRowBackground(Color.clear) .listRowSeparator(.hidden) .contentShape(.rect) } } Below was in a separate view: SectionView(title: "Title") { Group { HStack { // Stuff here } if let selectedMonth { VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 10) { // Stuff here } } } .animation(.smooth, value: selectedMonth) } This, however, broke the animations again when the VStack appears. It went back to being jerky. So instead of wrapping the content inside of a VStack, I created an extension to do the same thing. extension View { @ViewBuilder func condensed() -> some View { VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 10, content: { self }) } } So now instead of wrapping it in a VStack, I do this: if let selectedMonth { Group { // Stuff here } .condensed() } The animations look good again. I just can't figure out why that is. Can anyone help me understand this?
SwiftUI: Picker text color not changing until reloading view
My picker looks like this: Picker("Color", selection: $backgroundColor.animation(), content: { ForEach(TransactionCategory.Colors.allCases, id: \.self) { color in Text(color.rawValue) .tag(color) .foregroundStyle(color.getColor()) } }) This changes a tint color which is applied to the entire tabview. I can see that it's working because the buttons in the top tab bar are changing color as I change the picker value. However, the color of the text inside the picker is not changing until I go back one view and then come back to this view. I tried setting an ID on the picker and then updating it when the picker value changes, but that didn't work. Any ideas?
SwiftUI: Rotate symbolEffect not working
Hello, I have the following code: struct SettingsButton: View { var action: () -> Void @State private var rotate: Bool = false var body: some View { Button(action: { rotate.toggle() action() }, label: { Image(systemName: "gearshape") }) .symbolEffect(.rotate, value: rotate) } } For some reason, my button is not rotating. Other effects such as pulse and bounce work as expected. I applied the .clockwise direction thinking it needed a direction set, but that didn't work either. I also tried using the symbolEffect with isActive, and that didn't work. Lastly, I thought there may be an issue with Xcode so I closed that and reopened, but still not working. Any ideas?