
Post not yet marked as solved
2 Replies
I am struggling with this as well! It seems to be possible to add custom items on iOS using UIMenuController.shared.menuItems = [myCustomMenuItem], but when running this on Catalyst, the item doesn't appear in the text view's context menu. There's also the new func textView(_ textView: UITextView, editMenuForTextIn range: NSRange, suggestedActions: [UIMenuElement]) -> UIMenu? that suggests customizability but this also doesn't do anything for me on Catalyst. Has anyone found a solution for this?
Post marked as Apple Recommended
Same problem here. Apple, please fix ASAP!
Post not yet marked as solved
14 Replies
I'm still seeing this issue in Xcode 12 beta 6 / iPadOS 14.0 beta 18A5373a. This seems like an extremely critical issue for the new photo picker feature - I wouldn't feel confident using the new framework at all if this isn't fixed before the official iOS 14 release.