
Post not yet marked as solved
6 Replies
Yes it's a third party. It's pod generate by Swagger codegen for an API.
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the error detailed :Attribute 'swifterror' only applies to parameters with pointer to pointer type! call swiftcc void @"$s10Foundation11JSONDecoderC6decode_4fromxxm_AA4DataVtKSeRzlFTj"(%swift.opaque.88* noalias nocapture sret undef, %swift.type.77* %226, i64 %227, i64 %2, %swift.type.77* %228, i8** swiftself %229, %T10Foundation11JSONDecoderC* noalias nocapture swifterror swiftself dereferenceable(8) %230, %swift.error.102** noalias nocapture swifterror dereferenceable(8) %20), !dbg !195 Cannot have multiple 'swiftself' parameters! call swiftcc void @"$s10Foundation11JSONDecoderC6decode_4fromxxm_AA4DataVtKSeRzlFTj"(%swift.opaque.88* noalias nocapture sret undef, %swift.type.77* %226, i64 %227, i64 %2, %swift.type.77* %228, i8** swiftself %229, %T10Foundation11JSONDecoderC* noalias nocapture swifterror swiftself dereferenceable(8) %230, %swift.error.102** noalias nocapture swifterror dereferenceable(8) %20), !dbg !195 swifterror argument should come from an alloca or parameter %230 = bitcast %T21PFUPresentationClient0aB11JSONDecoderC* %116 to %T10Foundation11JSONDecoderC*, !dbg !195 call swiftcc void @"$s10Foundation11JSONDecoderC6decode_4fromxxm_AA4DataVtKSeRzlFTj"(%swift.opaque.88* noalias nocapture sret undef, %swift.type.77* %226, i64 %227, i64 %2, %swift.type.77* %228, i8** swiftself %229, %T10Foundation11JSONDecoderC* noalias nocapture swifterror swiftself dereferenceable(8) %230, %swift.error.102** noalias nocapture swifterror dereferenceable(8) %20), !dbg !195 <unknown>:0: error: fatal error encountered during compilation; please file a bug report with your project and the crash log <unknown>:0: note: Broken function found, compilation aborted!
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6 Replies
Thanks for your answer.i already tried the optimization level but it set to none by default.i check the other comments in the feed.