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I develop almost exclusively on a single project, so it went from never happening for it, to happening frequently. It became clear to me that something had changed when it happened three times yesterday, and I only worked a couple of hours. I can start making a log of when it happens and under what conditions. It would be hard for me to try working in a different project, since I develop full time on my current one. I could try to work on my next feature in a new project, and then port it back to my app, if that would lead to important information.
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13 Replies
Those are all things I can do, namely switch to Xcode 11 and Swift 5.1, and use the iOS 13 SDK. However, if the iOS 13 annotations referred to by denisoliveira are still there, then I would not be able to build for iOS 11 or 12 without having alternate UI. It is possible I could keep my current UI for the lower OSes, and just develop the new interface for iOS 13, but Apple could kick the app from the App Store in April, since I would not be fully size adaptive for the lower OS versions. It's a matter of interpretation of the new requirement, and I don't know which way Apple will decide.It's analgous to the introduction of safe areas. Those were ported so that they could be used for iOS 9 and up, even though they were introduced in the iOS 11 SDK. With the annotations restricting SwiftUI to only iOS 13, the indications are that the same treatment will not or cannot be applied to the introduction of SwiftUI. I have some dim hope that in a future beta release the annotations will be changed to include iOS 12, or dare I hope, iOS 11. I have been unable to find a statement from Apple either way, so I'm hoping to get one here, eventually.
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I wouldn't be able to fix any bugs on my old release, or add new features from that point forward. Since not all iOS 12 devices will be getting iOS 13, that leaves a certain percentage of my users behind. I was only able to stop supporting iOS 9 fairly recently, because of that reason.
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13 Replies
I would really like to hear an official statement on backward compatibility for SwiftUI from Apple. The library annotations make me think I won't like what their position will be, but I need some closure on this issue. Personally, I am looking ahead to revamping some UI code so my app will pass the fully size adaptive requirement for App Store acceptance that will be in force in April. And I need to know, is there any hope that I can use SwiftUI for it?