I did use attributed strings to try and test it, but the issue was that the button grew bigger and expanded in a UIStackView and took up the entire space instead of staying in one line. Also, I'd love to stick with the deprecated API, but I'm worried that staying might breaking UIButtons in the future if the properties do get removed and I'm trying to be proactive
So if I ship an app with a previous version of Xcode (Not Xcode 14.3 which is the SDK where this property was exposed), would doing UIButtonConfiguration.titleLineBreakMode work? Or would it break?
Thanks, turned out the rendering mode was on default/automatic which caused issues! Thanks for all the help! I really appreciate it!
Got it thanks!
Sounds good, thanks Rincewind!! Your help is always appreciated 😁
I understand that but these are the descriptions for the properties deprecated:
titleEdgeInsets: The inset or outset margins for the rectangle around the button’s title text.
imageEdgeInsets: The inset or outset margins for the rectangle around the button’s image.
Which don't match the description of imagePadding and titlePadding. For example, the old inset properties allowed for customizing the margins on each side, but padding only allows for setting one value.
Additionally, it's not explained if that one value is only for the spacing between two elements or if it's the padding around the entire element on ALL sides. So there's a bit of confusion! Would appreciate the clarity. Thanks for the quick response!
Thanks Rincewind!!
In addition to my comment below, I'm looking for an Obj-C solution, would you happen to know what that would look like here?