
Post not yet marked as solved
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UPD: iOS 16.2 beta crashes as well
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7 Replies
I resolved this issue. So, I couldn't upload build to the AppStore, but locally (via xCode) it worked well. I blocked by message like: ERROR ITMS-90625: "Invalid Intent. The '*.app/PlugIns/WidgetIntentHandler.appex' Info.plist contains an invalid intent 'INDynamicXXXSelectionIntent'. Remove the 'INDynamicXXXSelectionIntent' intent from both the IntentsSupported and IntentsRestrictedWhileLocked arrays." Solution: remove the Class Prefix**. Instructions: in the Project Navigator select your project open Inspector (it is right panel. Click on the button on top right corner of xCode) remove/clear "Class Prefix" PS: you will have to update some code by removing prefixes
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7 Replies
Did you resolve this issue? I get same issue. I just add widget and intent to configure it. It works well when i install app via xCode. But when i upload Archive i see: ERROR ITMS-90625: "Invalid Intent. The '***.app/PlugIns/WidgetIntentHandler.appex' Info.plist contains an invalid intent 'INDynamicXXXSelectionIntent'. Remove the 'INDynamicXXXSelectionIntent' intent from both the IntentsSupported and IntentsRestrictedWhileLocked arrays." If I do this the "Edit Widget" popup is empty. And impossible to configure widget. So I can't publish app update :(
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ex.: Project prefix: ABC Intents file: MyIntents.intentdefinition Custom Intent: DynamicMySelection Solution: put this line to bridge header: #import "ABCDynamicMySelectionIntent.h" Here is example of your provider: struct Provider: IntentTimelineProvider {      typealias Intent = ABCDynamicMySelectionIntent &#9;func getSnapshot(for configuration: ABCDynamicMySelectionIntent, in context: Context, completion: @escaping (SimpleEntry) -> Void) {...} &#9; func getTimeline(for configuration: ABCDynamicMySelectionIntent, in context: Context, completion: @escaping (Timeline<SimpleEntry>) -> Void) {...} } struct MyWidget: Widget {   let kind: String = "MyWidget"   var body: some WidgetConfiguration {     IntentConfiguration(kind: kind, intent: ABCDynamicMySelectionIntent.self, provider: Provider()) { entry in &#9;&#9;&#9; ... &#9;} }
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1 Replies
Solution: setting WKSnapshotConfiguration’s afterScreenUpdates property to NOWKSnapshotConfiguration *configuration = [WKSnapshotConfiguration new]; if (@available(iOS 13.0, *)) { configuration.afterScreenUpdates = NO; }