




SwiftUI popover not updating binding
I'm teaching myself SwiftUI, and have been generally impressed so far, but I've bumped into an issue with popovers that shows a gap in my understanding, and I've been unable to find a good solution to the issue (or information to help me further my understanding). My goal is simple. I'd like to create a custom NumberPicker view which displays a number as plain text, but when clicked, puts up a pop-up which lets you select a new value from a provided list of values. (And, ideally, it would handle the case where selection = nil, displaying an empty string, but I can work on that bit later.) I've got the basics in place, but my issue is that the selected value is not getting set back in the View's @Binding var after I make my selection. I've included below a TestPicker that shows the problem (with helpful print() statements. With this View, no matter what value I select in the Preview Pane, the View's 'selection' var value doesn't change. My question(s) are: What am I doing wrong? Have I just made a simple, newbie mistake? Can you offer pointers to good places to search when trying to work through problems such as this? Places with SwiftUI examples, etc.? import SwiftUI struct TestPicker: View { @Binding var selection: Int let range = 1...10 @State private var showPicker = false var body: some View { var _ = print("Initial selection: \(selection)") Text("\(selection)") .onTapGesture { showPicker = true } .padding() .popover(isPresented: $showPicker) { [$selection] in VStack { Picker("Select Number", selection: $selection ) { ForEach(range, id: \.self) { num in Text("\(num)").tag(num) } } .pickerStyle(WheelPickerStyle()) .frame(width: 120, height: 200) .onDisappear { var _ = print("Picker.onDisappear() selection: \(selection)") } } } Divider() Text("The selected value is \(selection)") } } #Preview { @State var myNum: Int = 8 return TestPicker(selection: $myNum) }
Jan ’24