




Reply to How to disable automatic modification of struct to enum in my code
@Hemanth.Alluri Thank you very much for your help in responding. Please take a look at the video My source code contains struct, but after XCode build, the struct in my source code was modified to an enum, causing an error. Unable to successfully buiild. My source code is subscript(multiplier: Int) -> CGFloat { return CGFloat(multiplier) * 8.0 } subscript(multiplier: Double) -> CGFloat { return CGFloat(multiplier) * 8.0 } }
Reply to How to disable automatic modification of struct to enum in my code
I swear he changed it during the build process. Please see the video I recorded, the source code is static let dashboard = "" } struct APIServer { static let baseUrl = "" } struct Padding { subscript(multiplier: Int) -> CGFloat { return CGFloat(multiplier) * 8.0 } subscript(multiplier: Double) -> CGFloat { return CGFloat(multiplier) * 8.0 } } struct C { static let padding = Padding() struct Sizes { static let buttonHeight: CGFloat = 48.0 static let sendButtonHeight: CGFloat = 165.0 static let headerHeight: CGFloat = 48.0 static let largeHeaderHeight: CGFloat = 220.0 } static var defaultTintColor: UIColor = UIView().tintColor static let animationDuration: TimeInterval = 0.3 static let secondsInDay: TimeInterval = 86400 static let maxMoney: UInt64 = 13_500_000_000 * 100_000_000 static let satoshis: UInt64 = 100_000_000 video: