




Reply to Run custom script after post-actions on Xcode Cloud
Hello, I have encountered the same issue and I have found this work around: Within your workflow add the Notarize - macOS step Add this in your script: #!/bin/bash -x # Set the directory paths and versions APP_PATH="${CI_DEVELOPER_ID_SIGNED_APP_PATH}/<YOUR-APP.APP>" INFO_PLIST_PATH="${APP_PATH}/Contents/Info.plist" APP_VERSION=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print CFBundleShortVersionString" "$INFO_PLIST_PATH") ZIP_PATH=/Volumes/workspace/YOUR-APP-$APP_VERSION-$ echo "Post-build script started." # Compress the application for notarization ditto -c -k --keepParent "$APP_PATH" "$ZIP_PATH" notary_output=$(xcrun notarytool submit "$ZIP_PATH" --apple-id "$XCODE_CLOUD_ID" --password "$APP_SPECIFIC_PASSWORD" --team-id "$TEAM_ID" --wait 2>&1) # Staple notarization echo "Notarization succeeded" xcrun stapler staple "$APP_PATH" exit_status=$? # Check if the command failed if [ $exit_status -ne 0 ]; then echo "Notary tool submission failed with exit status $exit_status" echo "Output: $notary_output" exit 1 fi echo "Party time!" Within your workflow secrets add these values: XCODE_CLOUD_ID APP_SPECIFIC_PASSWORD TEAM_ID It should now work :) it all hangs based on the location of your signed app at this path CI_DEVELOPER_ID_SIGNED_APP_PATH and that path variable is only populated when the Notarize step is added into the workflow
May ’24