




Reply to AVplayer currentTime() display wrong duration after seek flac online streaming song
my code to handle seek process: MusicPlayer.swift func seek(timeTo: Double) { 		 		let seekTime = CMTime(seconds: timeTo, preferredTimescale: 1) 		 		isPlaying = .Seek 		player.pause() seekTime, toleranceBefore: .zero, toleranceAfter: .positiveInfinity, completionHandler: { [weak self] result in 				self?.presenter?.checkState_Seek(state: (self?.isPlaying)!) 		}) } ViewController.Swift @IBAction func seeking(_ sender: UISlider) { 		 		let second = Float((duration / 100)) * progressBar.value Double(second)) } Note: this issue happend only when seek on play streaming online with .flac format if I seek the song, it work normal if it seek on play streaming online with .mp3 and .m4a format
Nov ’20
Reply to AVplayer currentTime() display wrong duration after seek flac online streaming song
this is the log of progress time and duration of song : log progress time and duration - observer that I use to update the duration and progress time: var timeObserver: Any? override open func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) { 		if let item = object as? AVPlayerItem, let keyPath = key, item == playerItem { 						 						switch keyPath { 						case "duration": 								let duration = Double(item.duration.seconds) 								 								print("Update display Duration in second: \(duration)") 								 								controller?.doUpdateDuration(duration: duration) 								self.timeObserver = player.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: interval, queue: .main, using: { time in 										 										self.playerDelegate?.updateProgresTime(time: time.seconds) 								}) 								 						default: 								break 						} 						 				} }
Nov ’20