
Post marked as solved
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I am using a string resource in the following way: let content = UNMutableNotificationContent() content.body = NSLocalizedString("notification_body_" + String(notificationBodyId), comment: "") And will have a number of strings defined in the strings catalog notification_body_1, notification_body_2 etc. This works fine, but the feature of strings catalogue that is automatically grepping source code for usage of strings is inserting an entry reality_check_notification_body_ that will obviously never be used & never be translated (thus showing my translated percentage at less than 100%). Xcode doesn't appear to provide a way for me to delete / ignore these automatically created string resources (delete button is disabled where available for manually created string resources). Is there some other way in code I should have referenced this resource, or some workaround to remove the string from strings catalog (no doubt if I manually remove from the backing file, it will simply be re-created). Thanks. Xcode 15.3
by jammmie.
Last updated