This issue is still present, but here's a workaround for anyone who comes across this.
Add a padding of 0.3 to the top of your ScrollView.
.padding(.top, 0.3)
Just following up on the ".padding(.top, 0.3)" workaround I posted, this no longer works, but if you make the display mode ".inline" then hide, there's no jumping. 🎉
Having the same issue, thanks for the workaround! Have filed a bug report, make sure you all file one too. You can reference case #FB9095424 and hopefully we can drum up some noise so the Apple Engineers notice! 🤞
One workaround would be to dismiss any open sheets before the app is sent to background. This is what I'm doing. Obviously not ideal, and will also close sheets if someone pops over to their control center or notifications/lock screen, but better than vital buttons not working. 😅
.onReceive(NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: UIApplication.willResignActiveNotification)) { _ in
self.isSheetPresented = false