Having this problem right now. I'm able to open files in a folder that IS sync'ed to iCloud, but can't open a project in my home directory, which is NOT sync'ed to icloud. I can't even get to the project file there, Xcode pops up an error "Can't open file: /users/me/projects/", on some part of the path before it even gets to the file. And, it can take a long time to get the error. Note that I just downloaded the project from the net, so I've never had Xcode navigate inside my home dir, this is the first time I tried going into my home dir.
Using 15.2 simulators, controlling the size only works on ipad simulators, but phone simulators show a full screen popover. When you specify a size, the content you put in there will be limited by that size, but it's centered in this big huge popover. Really want the popover to be as big as the content.
Where is this "Device" menu? In XCode or on the simulator itself?
I had the same issue, and was editing the Info.plist file directly as described in: https://www.jessesquires.com/blog/2021/11/13/xcode-13-device-orientation-bug/, but that didn't work, what did work is this answer, which ended up changing the file: project.pbxproj, not Info.plist. So now I'm confused as to what Info.plist is for.
Actually, I take it back about fixing it. If your issue is related to google admob, check out this thread: https://groups.google.com/g/google-admob-ads-sdk/c/QQLDBQlO340?pli=1
Google support is saying "bug in apple stuff", but others are questioning that conclusion.