
Post not yet marked as solved
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Same problem with LAContext.If I try with access control on iOS 12, I have a 25291 error.I Must be doing something wrong.
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The problems appears as soon as I use controll access. I don't think it's related to access group as I have only the application one (so no entitlement created explicitly) var controlAccess : SecAccessControl! let controlAccessFlags = SecAccessControlCreateFlags(arrayLiteral: [.userPresence]) guard withCFErrorCheck (context: "Create control access structure", { controlAccess = SecAccessControlCreateWithFlags(nil, kSecAttrAccessibleWhenPasscodeSetThisDeviceOnly, controlAccessFlags, $0) }) else { return nil } let keyParameters : [CFString: Any] = [ kSecAttrKeyType: kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA, kSecAttrKeySizeInBits: 2048, kSecPublicKeyAttrs: [ kSecAttrLabel: "Public Key" as NSString, ], kSecPrivateKeyAttrs: [ kSecAttrLabel: "Private Key" as NSString, kSecAttrApplicationTag: Self.keyTag, kSecAttrIsPermanent: true, kSecAttrAccessControl: controlAccess!, ] ] var privateKey: SecKey! // on success, privateKey will not be nil guard withCFErrorCheck(context: "Generate key pair", { privateKey = SecKeyCreateRandomKey(keyParameters as CFDictionary, $0) }) else { return nil } On the simulator when I try SecCopyItemMatching, I have a 25300 error.On the device a 34018.I'll try now to add a LAContext.
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I wrote a small demonstrator and it worked, so I got back to my project.Deleting all KeyChain items fixed the problem.It must have been poluted with some tests I've done with control access. I'll investigate and post here if I found something.Still, I don't understand the missing entitlement. It would be so great if iOS would tell me which one is missing.Thanks,Jean-Alexis
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It works on the simulator iOS 13 and iOS 12 devices.Fails on iOS 13 devices.