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After analyzing almost line by line the real time game sample given by Apple, I found one little difference, I didn't have the Group Activities entitlement. After adding this, the multiplayer game started working again. Probably this was not a requirement in previous versions, I don't know, but problem solved. I supposed Apple could give a better error message, though.
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I'm having the exact same problem and it made me lose a lot of time. I tried using opacity to show/hide the view that I wanted to animate and it worked until I tried to "navigate" to another view and the UI got unresponsive. There is a loop and a possible memory leak happening. It seems I will need to use the timer trick for now.
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I thought the same, but it seems that the MapProxy is only useful to convert point into coordinates (plus other conversions). I was hoping to get the current map zoom, orientation, rect, etc... when the user changes the map, but I haven't found any way, yet :(
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Private database: uses the storage of the user. Shared database: uses the storage of the owner of the data. Public database: up to certain capacity is free (depending on the number of users), more than that is charged to you, the developer. (as fas as I know).
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26 Replies
iOS 15 Beta 5 fixed the problem that my ad-hoc app was having on the devices with beta 4. Hopefully, there will be an Xcode beta 5 today, too.
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I have the same, a @MainActor @Published inside a actor (class) and I don't have any problem to use it from SwiftUI. Maybe the problem is where are you using it. If you are inside another actor, you should probably call it using {} or something like that. (sorry, I'm still learning, that's why I'm not entirely sure)
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What I do is adding a background with the placeholder in the position I want and observing the changes in the TextEditor text. So when it's empty, I show the background (placeholder) and when it's not, I hide it.
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There is a modifier called popup. You could add it to your button. @State var presentPopup = false Button { presentPopup = true } label: { Text("Rules") } .popup(isPresented: $presentPopup) { TheViewWithTheRulesAndADismissButton() } Or something like that. Just be clear that on iPhone it will appear as a sheet, that means, using all the screen.
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I answered myself, I can always get the CKShare requesting the CKRecord with recordName = "cloudkit.zoneshare" for the record zone I want.
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Hi, I can see a couple of mistakes. The first one, you should create your new Ping() inside your recordFetched block, and I would use a struct, not a class. The second is that you are printing the return from loadPing(), that will print to your console only. If you want to automatically show them, you should fetch them from an ObservableObject, similar to what it seems to be UserProgress. Basically you create a model, and your results as @Published array that you can put in a ForEach. Finally, your operations run asynchronously. Probably your return is return an empty array because the operations are still running in another thread.
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If you have different devices for your work and personal life, I don't see the problem, I have like three or four iCloud accounts.
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Are you doing the synchronization manually? You can add your own CKRecordID when you first create the CKRecord previously to save it to CK. Once the record lives in CK, you can't edit the ID (as far as I know). Just remember that the ID must be unique between all the CKRecord in your CKRecordZone.
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It depends in so many factors, such as how many records you will have, if you need to be able to work offline, and so on. I have an App (private) that shared a large number of records using CloudKit and a local cache with coredata. Now I'm dividing that App in multiple Apps and I thing I will use a mix between full synchronize tables and cache tables, all sharing the same record zone. I would recommend that you start using only CloudKit, then you can start adding coredata for cache, if you realize that you need it.
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Just a comment, I have had much more than 5000 records in a single CKRecord shared for many many years without many problems, so I think that limit is no longer valid.
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I'm having the same problem :(