The first method is tooooooooo verbose since I have to create an empty object.
The second method is unsafe when obj is nil.
What I wan is simple.
print("object: \(obj)" should just print out either
object: Lang:en name:(none)
or object: nil when the object is nil.
It works, but strictly speaking append(String(format:)) does not equate to appendFormat because it creates an intermediate string object.
It's a bit strange that the old JSONSerialization works in the case.
That's really strange because in a normal Swift app, any class in any source file is implicitly "internal" and can be used without having to mark it as public.
Strange I don't have Book Store section. Maybe it's only available to English culture.
Okay, I found out the answer myself. Just a piece of AppleScript with 2 lines:
log "Activating Xcode app..."
activate application "Xcode"
Thanks for your TSI support. I actually worked around this annoying thing by adding an empty entitlements files to my projects.
Thank God! After 2 weeks of agony, I finally passed the review and a new version of my app was published in App Store yesterday.
Dare me to say, Xcode 14.2 is really crap!!! Really hope Apple can release a fix version say 14.2.1.
In this thread, someone claimed that he workaround the problem by manually archiving the app. How to do this manually?
The bundle name is just "net.neolib.test" so simple that I couldn't make mistakes.
That's just what I was looking for.
I did not notice this new Info tab! It turned out that I did fall behind the line. I did not even know when Info.plist was moved/integrated into target info.
Does anyone know where to download the official image of macOS 10.10? I can burn it to USB disk and install on a separate external USB drive.
I can develop with Xcode 13 and when it's ready I build with the latest Xcode.
This sure works. I thought I could get the instance of NSPopover somehow and set its delegate property instead.
I want to do this in Objective-C. Does anyone have experience on integrating OpenCV into Xcode project?
No. My playground projects are all macOS ones. Indeed I have never tried an iOS playground.