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15 Replies
if the ActivityWidget is the only widget in bundle, the Dynamic Island and Live Activities in lock screen works normally. But if I included other widgets in the widget bundle, the Dynamic Island and Live Activities will not show, and other widgets works normally Workaround: create a new Widget Extension target and isolate your Live Activity Widget there
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1 Replies
CKContainer.fetchUserRecordID() executes the operation and fetches the record. CKFetchRecordsOperation.fetchCurrentUserRecordOperation() is a class function used to generate a CKOperation, which when executed would fetch you the record. But has an additional requirement: You must associate at least one progress handler with the operation object (docs) You probably want to go with the first one.
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Hi Sergio, you should absolutely provide account credentials. Videos of apps are no guarantee that everything has been disclosed, and the App review team needs to check the actual app for themselves.
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2 Replies
Apple, it looks that you have a problem with subscriptions created via async/await methods. Apple GitHub account has CloudKit sample code. “CloudKit Samples: Private Sync with Subscriptions and Push“ provides 2 branches: “main“ uses CKOperations to communicate with private CKDatabase - “concurrency” uses async/await methods to communicate with private CKDatabase - Other than that the code is essentially the same. (NOTE: To run the concurrency version, one has to update database.modifySubscriptions method to include the “deleting“ parameter.) Subscriptions are NOT TRIGGERED for the async/await version on a device running iOS 15.2 beta 3 and 4. At least now I know I am not crazy. I'm going to ditch the async/await CloudKit methods.
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Problem still present on a device with 15.2 beta 4. Things I've tried in the meantime: resetting the Development environment from CloudKit Dashboard, deleting and reinstalling the app tried using a different CloudKit Container tried switching between manual and automatic provisioning profiles No changes. Meanwhile, a 15.1 device still happily working correctly, getting notified, working as intended FB9767755, includes a device sysdiagnose as well
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No regressions in 15.2 beta 3 and beta 4 (= STILL WORKS!) so I'm going to close this
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51 Replies
How many of you would be satisfied with being able to hide the containers from your list, without actually having them deleted? Asking because it looks like Apple's never going to allow us to delete them (this thread is at least 5 years old), but it might not be such a big deal to Apple to let us hide unneeded containers on the UI level. If you think you'd be happy with that kind of solution, please upvote this answer and/or add a comment for it, because I am not quite sure we can see the upvote count :) Should the upvotes show this concept would help a lot of you, I'll work up the UX details and a template for filing the Feedback, which we can all copy-paste-submit and be loud enough to get Apple's attention about this feature. We can all end up with cleaner lists of containers (yay) and all the containers can still be there, which I suspect Apple will have no qualm with.
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3 Replies
Hi @iflanagan, custom zones are not allowed in public DB by design. Best place to confirm that are the 3 short paragraphs under “Creating a Custom Record Zone“ section of
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iOS 15.1 RC, build 19B74 (Oct 18th 2021): Issue still not fixed, nor listed under known issues in release notes.
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Looks like you could put NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore to good use. Start here:
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Still no joy with iOS 15.1 beta 4 (Oct 13th 2021). Issue not fixed, or listed under known issues in release notes.
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To sum: let pointsFromEachTournament: [Int] = { $0.point } let sumOfAllPoints: Int = pointsFromEachTournament.reduce(0, +) (please refer to documentation to learn more about map and reduce) To count: let numberOfTournaments = tournamentTop10.count