
Post marked as solved
6 Replies
I don't know if its the solution, but when I changed my apple-app-site-association file to a different structure (both seem to work fine for regular universal links. Did not work for ShareWithYou { "applinks": { "details": [ { "appIDs": [""], "components": [ { "/": "/mobile/*", "comment": "Universal links" } ] } ] } } This structure does work: { "applinks": { "apps": [], "details": [ { "appID": "", "paths": [ "/mobile/*" ] } ] } }
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4 Replies
Update: I just tried with Xcode and iOS beta 3 and got the same crash.
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Beta 2 of Xcode and iOS.
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7 Replies
I am also seeing the same issue whereas tapping "Keep" does not ask the user if they want them delivered prominently or quietly. It does have a button asking for showing them in a summary - but I as a user do not have summaries turned on. Tapping the summary button does not enable summaries either. I am trying to convince people we should switch over of using "provisional" notifications to be better iOS clients, but this issue will never get past the product department's scrutiny.
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1 Replies
My bad, after submitting the question I realized I had set the boundarySupplementaryItems property on the entire layout instead of on the sections...
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2 Replies
I watched the SwiftUI Accessibility: Beyond the Basics session and like what I saw, but it did not address my question regarding support for LargeContentViewer on custom views. I have a scenario in one of the apps I am working on - actually trying to decide to do the whole thing in SwiftUI or stick with UIKit for now - that requires some views that cannot change size. Am going through a checklist of components and accessibility features that I feel are must have to aid in my SwiftUI vs UIKit decision.
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3 Replies
Actually the hack that uses KVO does not work with iOS 14. The fonts just get changed to something weird, definitely not what you were trying to set.
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5 Replies
Done. (a while ago, but I forgot to reply here) thanks.
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5 Replies
Done (a while ago, but I forgot to reply earlier)
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5 Replies
Thanks for the reminder, had meant to file the request but zoned out. Yes, I can create my own UI for editing, but that does not excuse the missing feature when Apple is trying to get us to replace one component with another. If there is a good reason for the missing feature then it would be nice to know what the reason is.
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4 Replies
In an eventually consistent distributed system you can never "know" that you have existing data or devices in the cloud. Your application will simply "find out at some point" that this data exists and needs to be designed to handle that. You statement is from the perspective of a computer scientist, not from that of a user. And its all about the user, all the time in the real world. I've had many complaints from users that my app seems to have lost data - yes the user is being impatient and not waiting an infinite amount of time for the initial sync. But it should would be nice if we could trigger an initial sync or at least know that its happening so we can inform the user that "be patient, data is on its way to your device".
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2 Replies
Am unable to install iPadOS 14 Beta 6 on an iPad Air 2. I keep getting an "Unable to Install Update" alert asking me if I want to retry. I retried multiple times. I attempted via a downloaded Profile and by installing the downloaded IPSW file - same failure.