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15 Replies
I added this extension to make it a more or less identical API signature: extension NSKeyedUnarchiver { static func insecureUnarchivedObject<DecodedObjectType>( ofClass cls: DecodedObjectType.Type, from data: Data ) throws -> DecodedObjectType? where DecodedObjectType : NSObject, DecodedObjectType : NSCoding { let unarchiver = try NSKeyedUnarchiver.init(forReadingFrom: data) unarchiver.requiresSecureCoding = false let decodedType = unarchiver.decodeObject(forKey: NSKeyedArchiveRootObjectKey) as? DecodedObjectType return decodedType } }
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8 Replies
I somehow found a way around this. I closed any open projects, I created a new project (iOS App), got that project to build, then the issue kind of sorted itself out the next time I opened the project that was giving me problems. I don't know if this will work for you, but something to try anyway.
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20 Replies
How can the accepted answer be the accepted answer? That's insane. Please tell us what fixed it.
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17 Replies
I tried a 7.0 simulator and it didn't work. When I check the pairing in the iOS simulator I get the 'Syncing not complete" and it never does. I'm appalled by how horrible the Apple Watch development experience is. I never want to make a watch app again.
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4 Replies
Same problem here. Xcode 12.5 Getting pretty annoyed with how poorly the tools work for Apple Watch apps. Debugging is also horrible.
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15 Replies
I have issues also related to this issue, basically in the same form. I'm really frustrated by iCloud rarely working as advertised and providing very little info as to why issues are occurring. I can navigate to the files created via Finder to the Mobile Documents folder of my simulator, but they never show up in the Files app in the simulator. None of the .plist entries given above seem to do anything in terms of what might be seen in the UI. For example, when I go into settings and iCloud, it does know that files associated with my app are in iCloud.
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28 Replies
This is my playground: import Foundation let uuid = UUID().uuidString I've been waiting minutes for output. I even set it to be a macOS platform as I'm told this speeds up compile and execution times.