




XCode 16 RC and Sequoia 15 RC - Running a XCTest UI test runs the test but does not open the simulator and initiating a record just hangs and never runs
When I run a XCTest test on an IOS Target device, the test runs but the simulator is not opened so I can follow the screens being displayed and the key strokes. And when I initiate a record for a test method, it just hangs and never runs or open a simulator. Is anyone else experiencing these same issues running XCTest? Is this legacy framework not working with XCode 16 by design?
Sep ’24
XCode 16 beta 3 creating a folder instead of a group for all project initial content
When I new project is initiated in XCode 16 beta 3, an overall folder is created to contain all the generated content in the Navigator pane . In past XCode version, this main container (under the project name) has always been generated as a group. Is this change by design or a bug? The issue this creates is that the files and folders in this overall Folder can not be repositioned - they remain in ascending alphabetical order. I must convert this initial Folder into a Group by right clicking on the folder name and selecting "Convert to group" which converts the folder to a group. I am then able to reposition files, groups and folders within this group. I don't see anywhere in the XCode documentation where this change in behavior is mentioned. Anyone else having this same issue. I never have understood the difference or use cases for groups vs folders in the xcode Navigator pane.
Jul ’24