Having the same issue but on macOS 15.0.1 only on release builds of the app. The debug version works perfectly.
func addItemsToQueue<T>(
items: MusicItemCollection<T>,
at position: ApplicationMusicPlayer.Queue.EntryInsertionPosition
) async
where T: PlayableMusicItem {
do {
if player.queue.entries.isEmpty {
player.queue = .init(for: items)
} else {
try await player.queue.insert(items, position: position)
} catch {
await logger?.error(
"Unable to add songs to player queue: \(error.localizedDescription)"
do {
if !player.isPreparedToPlay {
await logger?.trace("Preparing player...")
try await player.prepareToPlay()
} catch {
await logger?.critical("Unable to prepare player: \(error.localizedDescription)")
This is a snippet which produces this error.
For some insane reason it only works on release builds.
I am completely frustrated and there is no way to check what is going wrong inside the MusicKit library
Solved: Since my project is a SwiftPM package, the release binary has to be manually codesigned so that MediaPlayer can work properly.