I have the same (or very similar issue).
I first noticed the issue first in macOS 10.14, prior versions did not show this message.
I have isolated the function call which causes the error message:
I checked _sndAgData->mQueue but everything in there is valid.
My application has access to the Microphone and microphone recording is working fine.
I would dearly love to find out what property has ID=1667788144
Xcode 11.5
Catalina 10.15.5
Code that cause the error message:
err = AudioQueueSetProperty(_sndAqData->mQueue, kAudioQueueProperty_EnableLevelMetering, &meteringEnable, sizeof(meteringEnable));
Using XCode 12.3, changing the Size parameter on Toolbar item from Explicit to Automatic fixes the error.
6 years on and the silence is still deafening. I notice that NSMatrix is not depreciated as yet, it is only "discouraged in apps that run in macOS 10.8" (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nsmatrix)