




Comment on Using an excel document as a database/dictionary in Swift
Hi Again, thought I had everything working but alas so sorry to bother again. The app works on great on MacOS and I'm now looking at it and trying to figure out how to use the same code for IOS. the major problem I see is that the URL and link to the data is through downloads folder and not associated with the app itself. The major question I had was why you need to use a URL at all and why the csv file be part of the app like an asset that the data and app are together as opposed to being in seperate places. Feeling a little bad because I feel like you are making a whole app for me but I can't figure out if the URL could be replaced by a different function to link the CSV file to the Data Model and whether that is the only aspect that is unique to MacOS vs IOS. Thanks Once Again Harry
Mar ’22
Comment on Using an excel document as a database/dictionary in Swift
Michaela you are truly a legend, The code (potentially only because I know nothings) is a thing of beauty. How I had gone about trying to fix the problem (using sections, table view, and static functions with arrays) would have probably been the end of me so it is much appreciated. The only thing I don't quite understand is how ContentView can then be linked to an actual Table View, Cells and Search Bar in the UI. I think I understand the DataModel should be a seperate .swift file but can't tell with ContentView and then got confused with the fact that the DataModel contains the code for the filtering. My VERY BASIC thought process was that if it was was being interacted with by the user then I wanted it in the VIewController? You have been an enormous help and if i can borrow more of your time with the questions that would be spectacular Thanks Again Harry
Mar ’22