




HIDDriverKit driver fails to dispatch events
HI, I have a simple IOUserHIDEventDriver derived class for a regular mouse which *only* logs messages for the incoming HID reports. The driver successfully loads when the USB transmitter is plugged in and I can receive the HID reports. I can also see that dispatchRelativePointerEvent()(for testing I overrode this method) is being called in response to the HID reports. But the cursor refuses to move! It's as if the dispatch function fails to push the HID reports back into the subsystem for further processing. I do have SIP disabled (or else the driver won't be loaded). I tried running the app (which loads the driver) from /Applications, but that doesn't work either. My entitlements all look fine too. What could be going on? TIA
Jul ’20
System Extension Signature Problem
Even after disabling SIP and while loading a DriverKit driver signed with a local certificate, I get the error "Kext signature validation error code -67050" The package is not notarized, which according to the docs is not necessary if SIP is disabled. What could be going wrong? I do not yet have the the driverkit entitlement and got around the build issues by following the suggestions in this - post. The post suggests: you just need to create an App ID with the "system extension" capability, create a corresponding development profile in your developer account, import that onto your dev & test machines and then sign using that profile. While this gets around the build issue, unfortunately the driver cannot be loaded, in spite of SIP being disabled. Thanks in advance.
Jul ’20