
Post marked as solved
6 Replies
iOS 15 saved this problem completely. ie: the same, identical, app works correctly on iOS15, being able to connect at startup.
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4 Replies
Thank you very much for the information, I tried, but it seems not enough... do you have any other (related) keys?btw, mine is a standalone radio application and the name clashes with another radio managed in TuneIN (It seems there is a tuneIN Siri intent manager somewhere, no tunein radio installed here) so I'm not sure it works or not... it is somewhat complex to understand it.
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1 Replies
I think this is an Xcode bug. The same error (no distribution profile) now happens also with notarization only (same certificates and profile used another time). If I manually import the profile in the "select certificates and Mac App Store profiles" stage of application upload I import a profile for the iOS/Catalyst app, the process works.On the previous case, improting manually a profile for the app store also continue the process, but the submission is refused because "the app is not sandboxed" (thing of course false, Catalyst apps are sandboxed by default).Anyway, I filed feedback FB7459218 in case someone from Apple is looking at the problem.
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6 Replies
I was waiting for iOS13, then I was filing a bug report last Friday but I ended just filing a DTS incident, fyi number is 720679837. Sorry for letting so much time pass...
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No, it's an audio player. It just grab the audio seession and play.
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4 Replies
Not at all. I just gave up, the server I'm using was changing API so I was in for a serious rewrite, I just used AVQueuePlayer that do not seem to have the problem.Sorry to bring bad news.
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50 Replies
I just bumped the version number, re-archived and re-uploaded and the new build has been processed and it appeared in (private) TestFlight. My understanding is that appconnect ate the builds for some reasons for a some hours interval.
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3 Replies
Just to get back with the answer for future people with the same problem. The application has a setting that allows users to block cellular access. The block is done via the AVURLAssetAllowsCellularAccessKey option of AVURLAsset initialization.The error "CoreMediaErrorDomain error -17760 - File exceeds max size allowed over cellular" is the error the system returns when a AVPlayer with as asset loaded with this option tries to play the resource via cellular. The error don't seem especially well worded, but is my fault to not identify it.
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50 Replies
Same here.