




Webcredentials - Entry needs its JSON updated because the app PI changed
Hi, In our app we use WKWebview to log in and want to handle webcredentials. For that purpose we're trying to create a PoC using website that's not public and is accessible only behind VPN. The physical iPhone has enabled Developer mode and Associated Domains Development switched to on. Following the documentation, I Added the associated domains capability with ?mode=developer suffix and the domain of that website However, when I run my app on physical iPhone in Debug mode with developer certificate, the autofilling prompt doesn't show up. When checking device logs for swcd logs, I can see entries connected with my associated domain, which looks like this: Entry { s = webcredentials, a = <app id>, d = ko….ge….pl?mode=developer, ua = unspecified, sa = unspecified } needs its JSON updated because the app PI changed Further I can see also entries like this Request for '<private>' denied due to HTTP status 404 on route .wk for task AASA-D9B9E2C0-F657-4DA5-B2D1-487D6775766F { domain: ko….ge….pl?mode=developer, bytes: 0, route: .wk } Which seems justified, because the site is not public, thus that's why we add ?mode=developerat the end to webcredentials entitlement. When we open the same website in Safari, the autofilling works flawlessly, so we exclude the problem with html. How can I further debug the problem?
Mar ’23