I've always done this in the past.
For example, when 7.0.0 (current release) was approved I had uploaded CFBundleVersion 700, which was rejected for an issue, then I uploaded CFBundleVersion 701 with CFBundleShortVersionString still at 7.0.0 and that was reviewed and approved (and is what's on the store now).
But, just to be sure, I just tried setting CFBundleShortVersionString to 7.3.0 and CFBundleVersion to 730 and I'm still getting the same error:
"This bundle is invalid. The value for the key CFBundleShortVersionString [7.3.0] in the Info.plist file must contain a higher version than that of the previously approved version [701]"
It's like the upload validator is confusing those two settings. I'm totally baffled.
I've also since gotten a second response from Apple Support quoting the exact same "purpose strings" paragraph that I showed above. It's like they aren't actually even reading my issue post.