Our current version on the app store is:
CFBundleShortVersionString (7.0.0)
CFBundleVersion (701)
We had previously uploaded two iOS binary builds for approval for a new version [7.2.0] but never released them:
CFBundleShortVersionString (7.2.0)
CFBundleVersion (720 and 721)
Now I want to finally release a new version with a new build:
CFBundleShortVersionString (7.2.0)
CFBundleVersion (722)
But when I try to validate the new binary for upload I'm getting this error:
"This bundle is invalid. The value for the key CFBundleShortVersionString [7.2.0] in the Info.plist file must contain a higher version than that of the previously approved version [701]"
Why is the validation process trying to compare the new CFBundleShortVersionString (7.2.0) to the old CFBundleVersion (701) rather than comparing old CFBundleVersion (701) with the new CFBundleVersion (722)? Or is that just a poorly worded error and its saying something else?
I posted this as a support case and this was the response I got - as you can see it has absolutely nothing to do with my question:
Starting with iOS 10, purpose strings are required for access to any protected class of data from within your app, including usage of those protected data classes by any third-party library your app uses. If you're receiving a message about a missing purpose string for a data class that you don't recognize, consult with your third-party library vendors about their usage of that protected data class.
So, how do I get past this bad version comparison check?