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4 Replies
Same issue ? Tried both the current and the TestFlight version (4.3.1 and 4.4 beta) , playground works but app doesn’t.
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4 Replies
Interesting! not sure why I didn't try this 🙃
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4 Replies
Looks like an @Model must be inserted into the context before use in SwiftUI actor PreviewSampleData { @MainActor static var container: ModelContainer = { let schema = Schema([Trip.self, BucketListItem.self, LivingAccommodation.self]) let configuration = ModelConfiguration(inMemory: true) let container = try! ModelContainer(for: schema, configurations: [configuration]) let sampleData: [any PersistentModel] = [ Trip.preview, BucketListItem.preview, LivingAccommodation.preview ] sampleData.forEach { container.mainContext.insert($0) } return container }() @MainActor static var previewTrip: Trip = { let container = PreviewSampleData.container let trip = Trip.preview container.mainContext.insert(trip) return trip }() } #Preview { MainActor.assumeIsolated { List { TripListItem(trip: PreviewSampleData.previewTrip) } .modelContainer(PreviewSampleData.container) } }
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2 Replies
Unfortunately this is not possible in Xcode cloud since they seem to not have the earlier beta available :( Completely broke my process
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3 Replies
Huge benefits I think depending on what the price is though. Being able to offload your builds is great and even if you are a solo developer you have users I am assuming that will test your app.
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10 Replies
Anyone know of a work around for this?
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13 Replies
Fixed in 12.2, but does that mean it will be fixed for iOS 13?
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9 Replies
Also experiencing this problem across multiple frameworks, this is completely breaking my development progress :(
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20 Replies
Apple ? There has to be a work around here. I am trying to integrate a package into my source code but we do not use standard debug / release only build configurations.
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2 Replies
I am also seeing the same behavior, although in my case removing the reference and dragging file back from finder works. Any one else have a more permanent solution?
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5 Replies
To be clear this happens even when creating a very simple test application using the latest facebook SDK and correctly updating plist etc.
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Yes these are all set in the info.plist , this all works 100% when run against iOS 12 device or simulator but runnin on a device or similator running iOS 13 will fail with the above mentioned error.Still happening as of beta 2